Dear rekan netters,
ini salah satu artikel dr Ask Dr.Green (Gerber) yg kya'nya sering kita
(ortu) pertanyakan. Artikel/pertanyaan lain2 bisa dilihat di web ini.


Q: How do I know if my baby is getting enough to eat? 
A: I speak with parents all over the world who express concern that their
babies are eating too little – or too much. Feeding our babies is such a
core part of our role as parents that we deeply want to know that we are
doing it right.

“She barely eats a thing. You need to feed her more.”
“What a chubby baby!”
“He looks so skinny. Are you feeding him enough?”
Comments by friends, relatives, or strangers can heighten our concern.

This preoccupation led to "scientific" guidelines of how many teaspoons of
what type of food to offer, and how often. We now understand, though, that
babies’ needs differ, and that the same baby may have different needs
depending on what is happening on a particular day. Rigid guidelines can
be counterproductive.

Children need ever-changing amounts of food, influenced by their activity
level and developmental phase, the air temperature and relative humidity,
and perhaps by a virus they might have.

How is a parent supposed to decide how much to feed?

Thankfully, babies are born with a sophisticated internal mechanism for
determining just how much they need to thrive. Healthy babies given the
right selection of healthy foods will tend to eat just the right amount.

Our role as parents is to learn to recognize their signals and not to
short-circuit our babies’ own sense of how much they need.

Independent toddlers might make it easy for us by saying "all done" or
using hand signals to indicate, “I’m finished!” Before they have those
skills, babies will use their whole bodies to get the message across,
fidgeting in the high chair, or even standing up.

The signals of younger babies are quieter. A newborn may push the nipple
out of the mouth, or just fall asleep. A baby who has entered the
delightful stage of first solids will lean forward or open the mouth when
hungry, and clench the mouth shut, turn aside, or lean back when
satisfied. When babies get better at using their hands, they might push
the spoon away.

When we override these signals and attempt to force a baby to keep eating,
or even to coax them to eat more, they lose trust in their bodies’ own

Another common way of tricking the body is to put rice cereal in a bottle.
This practice is not recommended. Babies will take in more calories than
they suspect. This can confuse them and lead to lifelong struggles with
weight. For older children, highly processed junk food plays the same

There are several ways to tell if our dance of communication is working
well. A bright, happy child is a good sign. Babies who aren’t getting
enough to eat tend to be irritable or droopy (of course many other things
can make them unhappy). Babies should make urine regularly. If they don’t
urinate in 8 hours, it bears looking into. And throughout childhood, their
growth will be plotted at each regular check-up to be sure that they are
growing on target for themselves.

Too much food creates a bloated feeling. Too little leaves craving. But
just right – the baby feels deeply satisfied. What joy to be able to give
this pleasure to our babies and to watch them grow! After all, growth is
what childhood is all about.

- Dr. Greene 

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