Dear Ed,

At 08:31 AM 7/31/2002, you wrote:
>It has been recommended by a local permaculture authority that I can remin
>my poor depleted Florida sands (soil) by using a 20:1 dilution of seawater.
>Supposedly the broad spectrum of elements in solution would be a temporary,
>but available source of minerals. Care must be taken to use it on
>established growing plants (not seedlings). I have read about Dr Murray's
>experiments with sea solids, and I know there is work being done using
>seawater to grow hydroponically, but I can't find any other references to
>this being practiced. Has anybody heard of this before? Comments on this
>would be appreciated ... seawater (although an hour drive away) is a lot
>easier to get here in Florida than any kind of igneous rock!

Sea water contains great amounts of the ORMUS elements. These are the same 
elements which are in paramagnetic rock dust. You can separate the ORMUS 
minerals from the salt in sea water by precipitating them out using lye 
(sodium hydroxide). Slowly add a lye/water solution (made using eighteen 
ounces of dry lye to a gallon of distilled water) to about 50 gallons of 
ocean water. You want to take the ocean water up to pH 10.78 and no higher. 
Let this set overnight. You will get about ten gallons of white precipitate 
from 50 gallons of ocean water.

Once you have gotten the ocean water up to 10.78 pH you pour off the top 
water leaving the precipitate. This can be done on a boat or at the shore. 
The white precipitate will need to be washed three or four times with fresh 
water to wash out the salt and lye residues.

The clean precipitate can be added to compost and BD preparations or 
applied directly to plants. You can read a short story about the first 
example of this (and see pictures of the giant walnuts produced) at:

The precipitate was applied to the tree in the picture once at the rate of 
about two cups of precipitate in five gallons of water soon after the tree 
was planted (from a seedling) about four years ago. Additionally there has 
been some of the top water from the third wash of precipitate added a few 
times each year.

Tomatoes grown on the same site using the same mix of precipitate in five 
gallons of water applied to a flat of tomato plants have shown increased 
yield and less acidic flavor from control plants on the same site.

The method is described in greater detail at:

Additional ocean water handling suggestions can be found at:

I have been ingesting this white precipitate for about five years now with 
great benefit and no ill effects.


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages:
Forest -

"The heart always brings new life to any situation and opens up 
possibilities that would have been impossible without it. Sometimes a 1 
percent change is enough to make all the difference, because that's all it 
takes to reposition a situation which seems to be absolute and to 
demonstrate that it actually is a relativity. Only God is absolute. All 
else is relative. That's why a man who judges becomes imprisoned within the 
deadlocks of his mind."
--From "Love Without End - Jesus Speaks" by Glenda Green

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