A Shift of Consciousness
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883, Tucson AZ 85717
520-885-7909 -- FAX 520-749-6643

January/February 2003

All of the maladies occurring on Earth can be solved with a shift of
consciousness. As simplistic as that statement sounds, it is absolutely

In order to eliminate war, hatred, violence, abuse of power, crime,
corruption, greed, selfishness, poverty, gross imbalances in the
distribution of wealth, homelessness, hunger, famine, prejudice, pollution,
rampant disease, poor medical care, lack of education, fear-based religious
beliefs and every other distorted reflection of the human psyche, all
Humanity has to do is lift up in consciousness and remember the Oneness of
ALL life.

Once a person remembers that all life is interconnected, interrelated and
interdependent, it becomes glaringly clear that it is pure insanity to harm
another part of life. When people truly grasp the Divine Truth that they
cannot have a single hateful thought or feeling or speak a single negative
word or physically hurt any other part of life without harming themselves,
then they realize to do so is self-destructive and downright stupid.

When Humanity remembers the Oneness of all life, it is obvious that if any
part of life is loved, healthy, comfortable, happy, peaceful, prosperous
and successful, it adds to the collective harmony of Humanity and everyone
benefits. With that understanding, it is also obvious that if any part of
life is unloved, sick, desperate, sad, unhappy, poor or failing, the
collective misery of Humanity increases and everyone suffers.

For the past 50 years, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been revealing the fact
that Humanity is on the brink of the greatest shift of consciousness ever
manifested in the history of time. These Beings of Light have been
tenaciously working with embodied Lightworkers to prepare for that mass

During most of that time, it was believed that in spite of our most valiant
efforts, there would be many souls who would not be able to withstand the
shift and would be left behind.

There were actually two Earths created by the mighty Elohim, the Builders
of Form, to accommodate both those who would make the shift of
consciousness and those who would be left behind. The new Earth and the old
Earth coexisted in the same time and space continuum but vibrated at
different frequencies. The plan was that when it came time for the shift of
consciousness, the new Earth would Ascend into the 5th Dimension, and the
old Earth would be left behind in the 3rd Dimension.

Due to an unprecedented act of Divine Intervention and the Lightwork of
millions of people all over the world, a miracle took place in August 2002
that surprised even the Company of Heaven.

The recalcitrant souls who were in danger of not making the shift into the
5th Dimension were taken in their finer bodies into the heart of the Solar
Logos of our Central Sun, Beloved Alpha and Omega. These Beings of Light
are the representatives of our Father-Mother God in this Solar System.

Embraced in the Divine Love of Alpha and Omega, the wayward souls were
given one last opportunity to choose to move into the Light. The Divine
Intelligence within the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love had been blazing
in their Heart Flames for a year and had softened their resolve to resist
the Light. In a stunning moment of Divine Grace, every single soul
volunteered to do what is necessary to move into the Light.

With that new covenant, Alpha and Omega sounded their Cosmic Keynote, and
the Builders of Form breathed the old Earth over the Bridge to Freedom into
the frequencies of the new Earth. The two Earths merged and became one, and
a new Divine Plan was set into motion to prepare every evolving soul for
the impending global shift of consciousness. Now our greatest work ever has

2003 will be a defining year. All life is moving into the Light, and it is
up to each one of us to decide how easy or difficult our Ascension will be.
Are we going to surrender to the Oneness of all life and move forward on
the wings of bliss, or are we going to be dragged into the Light kicking
and screaming? The choice is up to us.

Since the decision of the recalcitrant souls was made in the Realms of
Cause, it takes time for that understanding to filter into the dense
consciousness of their outer minds. Obviously many people are still acting
out their resistance to the Light and attempting to wreak havoc in the
physical plane.

The fact that the two Earths have become one, thus enabling all Humanity to
move forward into the Light, is a miracle beyond our comprehension. The
important thing to understand, however, is that the miracle greatly
increased the work the Lightworkers must now accomplish.

The Lightworkers must now assist in transmuting the darkest energies that
have ever been created on Earth. These are the dense energies that were
destined to be left behind, but since the two Earths have now become one,
these horrific patterns of imperfection are being pushed to the surface to
be transmuted and healed. All we have to do is watch the evening news to
see the negativity surfacing everywhere. But be at Peace; the Divine Plan
is unfolding perfectly, and God's Will is manifesting.

Our Father-Mother God would never have allowed this to occur if it was
going to cause more harm than good. The reason it is being allowed is that
our God Parents are able to perceive the heart commitment of the awakened
Lightworkers. They know that we have been preparing for aeons of time to
assist this blessed planet during her Cosmic Inbreath into the 5th
Dimension. They also know we have the skill, strength, courage,
determination and willingness to do whatever is necessary to succeed God

Please ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart to reveal to you the
greatest need of the hour. Then ask your God Presence to clearly show you
how you can assist in this vital facet of the Divine Plan. Read the
following information through the eyes of Illumined Truth, and respond
according to your heart's call.


    East and West are no more than names. Human beings are the same
everywhere. He who wants to will conduct himself with decency.... If
we look into the future, is it not a heritage that we have to leave
to posterity, that all the different races commingle and produce a
civilization that perhaps the world has not yet seen?

    M. K. GANDHI

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