On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Terry Storm <terrystor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for the reply.
> Yes I have tried contacting the manufacturers however one is a hardware only
> provider (4D) for the Capes (they fully support their other stuff), and the
> other one (CircuitCo) which 4D Cares are based on according to their
> datasheet, doesn't seem to support software and points us here, or simply
> doesn't reply to emails. I'm not the first person to mention this about
> CircuitCo by the way. At least 4D do reply and tried to help, but they cant
> support the software.
> Sorry if I sounded demanding, just frustrated more than anything.
> Fully understand the community is made up of people who do this for no money
> etc, however who is actually responsible for open source software, I dont
> know. No one person I assume, and therefore no place for me to find answers?
> This is the only place I know to raise it.
> In terms of fixing stuff myself. I wouldnt know where to start. I purchased
> the hardware thinking/hoping that the standard software provided would work
> correctly. In most cases it is fine, but when dealing with a touch screen
> that doesnt touch due to software, its kinda frustrating. That said it works
> fine on Android so it proves the hardware is OK, so CircuitCo and 4D get off
> the hook in that respect as the hardware is fine, its just the software
> seems to need some improvements.
> I guess all I wanted to hear was what you said, that things are being looked
> at by someone, and their should be fixes coming out soon. Question though,
> where does the average Joe Bloggs who came in to the BBB from nothing, has
> no idea about linux and how everything works, find out what is being worked
> on so a silly Joe Bloggs like me doesnt make a rant post to try and figure
> out where they stand...?
> So is Angstrom Dead, or is that rumor false?
> This new 3.12 you mention, I assume that is the kernel. Is a new Angstrom
> being built based on that?
> I believe Debian, Ubuntu and Angstrom, no doubt more, have the same touch
> issues, which is I gather based on the kernel having a problem (3.8?).
> I'm a linux noob if you haven't guessed.

Every developer starts out as noob.  Sometimes, all it takes is some
software itch you personally want done...


Robert Nelson

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