On Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 1:26:26 PM UTC+1 dan...@grinta.net wrote:
On 04/02/23 12:34, Chary Chary wrote: 
> Dean, 
> thanks for reply, but I was looking for a way to install it for 
> hacking/development 
> E.g. with beancount I can do git clone, then run py setup.py build_ext -i 
> After that I run the py beancount\beancount\query>shell.py 
> "beanfile.bean" it will work 

No, it does not. 

Unless, you also install the beancount package somehow or you set the 
PYTHONPATH environment variable, or something, otherwise you get a 
"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'beancount'" error. 

> Is it possible to install the standalone version of the beanquery for 
> hacking/development ? 

Sure, it is possible: 

git clone https://github.com/beancount/beanquery.git 
cd beanquery 
python3.11 -m beanquery --help


*thanks, it works this way! Note: I think it would be nice to add short 
note about this in the readme.md*

Just make sure to install the required dependencies. 

There is nothing special about beanquery, it is a standard Python 
package. Please refer to the Python documentation for details. 


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