On Tue, 29 May 2001, P lerenard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Hi,
> I look at one of the config file in for the apache server, I didn't see 
> anything for the limitation.
> I tried POST GET PUT
> over ~ 2k IE5.5 do nothing even with POST
> here some code, it's on a unixbox
> use CGI;
> my ($cgi) = new CGI;
> @pho0 = $cgi->param('pho0')
> $process = $cgi->param('process')
> sub
> {
> print"<form name='blabla'>\n";

There's no POST here, only GET.  You must say explicitly by
setting the method attribute to post,

    print "<form name='blabla' method='post'>\n";

But see below.

> print"<textarea cols=70 rows=15 name='pho0'></textarea>\n";
> print"<input type='submit' value='process' name='process'>\n";
> </form>
> }
> if somebody can help me to translate that in real CGI or have another idea. 
> I don't know if I can have both pure cgi and html code in the same program

Since you already use CGI.pm, which is a good thing to do, you can use its
various methods to layout HTML form.

        $cgi->start_form, # default to method=POST
            -cols => 70,
            -rows => 15,
            -name => 'pho0',
        $cgi->submit(-name => 'process'),


    perldoc CGI

for more docs.

Hasanuddin Tamir: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Trabas: www.trabas.com

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