"Nick Ager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm using the image from http://damien.cassou.free.fr/squeak-web/sq3.9-
7067web07.08.1.zip and struggling to install the FreeType Plus package using
the "Package Universe Browser".

The installation freezes with the popup message "installing FreeType Plus-
plugins version 0.13" and a progress bar "Preamble" that fails to make any

Attempting to debug the problem, I started with a fresh image and installed
FFI. The FFI tests pass. Then FreeType successfully installs four dlls:
freetype6.dll, ft2plugin.dll, BitBltPlugin.dll and msvsr71.dll, at which stage the installation freezes. I failed to interrupt the running process and found
the only way to stop it was to kill squeak. It seems to be that Squeak is
caught in some endless loop, which is gradually using more memory - Windows
starts giving me low virtual memory warnings after sometime.

Make sure you are using one of the later releases of the Windows Squeak VM.
I suggest you try the latest;  you can download it from here...

Then perform the install from the Package Universe Browser as you did before.


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