On 10/23/07, luisalejan1308  wrote:
> Hello!!!! If you remember I talked to you about the extension "Frm", Frm is
> the necessary extent to pass one imagen to squeak and only I found the
> extention of PNG, so that process is wrong. I want that a robot looks like
> image that I import as FRM extention, but I used the all images on PNG
> extention. (Because the Squeak Book says that It needs a image in FRM
> Extention to use in the program with robots). How can I convert the  formats
> images???

Aha!  You mean Stephane Ducasse's book 'Squeak: Learn programming with robots'.

I found pages 69 and 70 with google books,


So I downloaded BotsInc:


Like you I am a newbie - but it seems the 'FRM' format of the turtle
and spider image is the native Squeak 'Form' class:


Unfortunately, I browsed that class, and I can't find a method for
converting PNG files into FRM format.

Perhaps there is a way to make a Bot wear a PNG graphic as a costume
(you can drag them into BotsInc easily, and they become a Sketch
Morph.  The halo menu has a 'Keep as bot costume' entry  )  But, I
don't have the whole Robots book, so I can't help any further.  Sorry.

Instead, is there a paint tool in BotsInc for making new costumes?
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