On Thu, 2008-01-03 at 09:16 +0200, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to download GLORP from SqueakMap and the contents of the
> sar file are in fact a small html with a login form, not zipped
> content as Squeak seems to expect.
> I tried getting a new password from SqueakMap (why do I need an
> account to download something? - I thought accounts were used for
> publishing) and the "random one-time password" email I get has no
> actual password in it. :-)
> I am using the 3.10gamma.7159 image with the 3.10 VM, but I doubt the
> issue is related to my local setup.
> What's going on?
Oh, that was my fault. Doing the last release I copied the URL for
download from an improper place. The URL you got is only valid if
you logged into my account :) I fixed it a few seconds ago.

I hope it works now. Please drop me note if doesn't work. You can
get the package also from



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