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On Sun, 2008-01-06 at 13:44 +0200, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
> Hello,
> thanks for your reply - I have managed to download GLORP from Universes.
The universe entry loads the package from my server not from squeakmap.

> SqueakMap still doesn't work on the image where I tried it first  and
> neither on a *fresh* 3.10 gamma 7159 image with the 3.10 VM. It works
> on a fresh copy of Ramon Leon's image, though (taken from
> http://onsmalltalk.com/my-squeak-image/).
> The difference I can see between Ramon's image and the others is that
> on his image I can't update the squeakmap map, which I can do on the
> other variants. So maybe that image has an old and good url?
This only would make sense if Ramon's image would have a cached squeak-
map with Glorp version 0.4.129. Every other combination IMHO can't
> I'm a beginner, sorry I can't provide more detailed (or meaningful) 
> information.
Hmmm, I changed the url in the package to point to a proper destination.
I did a fresh install of a 3.9 image. I opened squeakmap and reloaded
the map. The map reflects my change I've done two hours ago. But the 
install action seems to try to load from the old URL which still leads
to the login form. The URL which is now in the map is correct but the
install fails. I'll monitor this. 

> Thanks again,
> On Jan 6, 2008 1:01 PM, Norbert Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 2008-01-03 at 09:16 +0200, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I'm trying to download GLORP from SqueakMap and the contents of the
> > > sar file are in fact a small html with a login form, not zipped
> > > content as Squeak seems to expect.
> > >
> > > I tried getting a new password from SqueakMap (why do I need an
> > > account to download something? - I thought accounts were used for
> > > publishing) and the "random one-time password" email I get has no
> > > actual password in it. :-)
> > >
> > > I am using the 3.10gamma.7159 image with the 3.10 VM, but I doubt the
> > > issue is related to my local setup.
> > >
> > > What's going on?
> > >
> > Oh, that was my fault. Doing the last release I copied the URL for
> > download from an improper place. The URL you got is only valid if
> > you logged into my account :) I fixed it a few seconds ago.
> >
> > I hope it works now. Please drop me note if doesn't work. You can
> > get the package also from
> >
> > http://selfish.org/files/st/
> >
> > Norbert
> >
> >
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