> > I need to get some unique "identity" string for my objects, and
> subsequently
> > to find that object from that string. How can I do this?
>  I don't think there is an elegant way to do this. You would have to create
> a registry for all your objects, and give them an id when they are created.

In most Smalltalk implementations you probably can't avoid maintaining
your own registry. A big part of Seaside consist of maintaing such
tables: dispatcher to applications, applications to sessions (_s),
sessions to continuations (_k), continuations to callbacks, etc. There
are many named objects, some with random identifiers (WAExternalId),
some with user-defined identifiers, and some are simply numbered.

GemStone is the exception here. Every object has an unique ID by
itself, that can also be used to retrieve that particular object.


Lukas Renggli
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