El 5/11/08 3:18 AM, "Lee Nixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> Took a look at that guy's music program and it looks like he's got
> the digital audio thing down in spades.  That's one thing I haven't
> gotten into much myself.  I'm more inclined to use physical
> instruments rather than manipulate bits and bytes, but what the
> heck--creativity is creativity and artistry is artistry no matter what
> kind of tools you're using. DaVinci could have figured it out using
> color crayons.
>   So right now I'm trying Lime (notation editor) and it's looking
> pretty good--just need to wrangle up $65 somewhere so I can get past
> the free trial run.  But I'm still thinking about cooking up something
> else on my own, and when I do I'll be sure to give Squeak another try.
>   Does anyone here see a need for a little more standardization in the
> computer world?  A friend of mine thinks that standardization would
> stifle ingenuity and creativity and so on.  I'm more inclined to think
> those things are more than capable of taking care of themselves.  Like
> look how two young guys with no formal musical training blew the crap
> out of the concrete standardized modules that the recording industry
> was promoting  forty-five years ago. John Lennon and Paul McCartney,
> in case you're wondering who I'm talking about.
>   But anyway--it's late--had too much coffee--starting to blabble,  If
> anyone here feels like reading more of my blabble they can find me at

I late on this thread but I say you must see this

Next version of FunSqueak could be official Full Squeak , so I work with
Stephane Rollandin if he agree on have it into.

But I also like help and if you wish have some Lime thing into the basic
image or the full one , shoot your questions.

I could be found at random times in IRC Squeak channel, FunSqueak have it
ready to run.

Also I know our work have bugs, and we start to quick fix all in 3.10.1, so
stay tuned.


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