First, I ask you read

Ralph is not with us for a time and you must face my mistakes.

Any good in the release come from he and the super crow behind the scenes
working so hard.

All troubles and mistakes from me. How you learn to build a release ?

So I could be on Squeak IRC channel at random times, probability grow 7.30
to 10.30 Argentina time (10.30 GMT or you local time).

I'm very serious but do jokes and speak in Spanish with all Spanish speaking
people on IRC, so you are warned.

We have here in Rosario, Argentina a "bar" or "café" group named SqueakRos ,
all people of any countries are welcomed.

All kind of subject was talked , off course the most often is Squeak.

For me, Squeak is more as exchange code, is a cultural experience.

So I talk about life here in Rosario, FĂștbol, Formula One, Sci Fi, Movies,
Music, etc in IRC.

I'm here to help , but you should read the book and the swiki before.

3.10 is just released, quick fixes is on the way

3.11 is on draft but soon we start.

So , is your turn to complains direct to me.

And if I can't find a solution you should send a letter to the Board so they
fire me.

Nos encontramos en el IRC :=)


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