Have you looked at MathMorphs:


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Henry Lenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/2/08, David Finlayson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am considering developing an application in Squeak for the analysis
>>  and processing of sonar data.
> (...)
>>  The question is: is Squeak the right smalltalk for this kind of thing?
> Hi --
> I'm not really qualified to have an opinion on this but I've searched
> around a bit and found interesting things:
> These guys have used it for Genetic Algorithms
> http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/study/courses/OMP/public/software/sqcdrom2/Packages/Languages/Genetic%20Algorithms/index.html
> The next example wasn't written for Squeak, but it's still Smalltalk.
> It's for sound and they interfaced to C (FFTW, etc).
> http://fastlabinc.com/Siren/
> Tiny, tiny example of singal processing with Squeak:
> http://www.jvuletich.org/issues/Issue0006.htm
>>  Does it have the support for images, matrix algebra, plain old
>>  performance for signal processing to build a photo-shop-like
>>  application? I guess it has been used for Robot control, which would
>>  have similar performance demands. What do you think?
> Built-in Matrix Algebra, no, I don't think, but someone wrote an
> interface to LAPACK/BLAS
> http://ncellier.ifrance.com/Smallapack/
> Please post here your war stories with this endeavour. It's great that
> there are pioneering spirits like you trying to break the mold. I
> think that is very inspiring.
> Cheers,
> Henry Lenzi
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