El 7/2/08 3:14 PM, "smith02243" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> I installed the .pr file and it worked fine, though when I
> installed it complained about a missing primitive, but that didn't seem to
> bother it too much.

I put the explain on the wiki page.
I test and was listening my music when I saved, so I guess the info about my
file was saved also and of course in a different computer could't be

If you have the SqueakDebug.log for each complain the image , please send me
as is a very valuable way to polish.

> When I tried to install the tests and IRC client on that page, however, I
> came across a "UndefinedObject-Kernel Objects PR" error. I put the URL of
> the Ladrillos server page in Monticello, though, and it worked fine. I
> gained the classes for the IRC client. I assume one has to construct the
> application oneself, as no object comes with it, from what I can tell.

To this seems you don't load the last updates for SqueakLightII  from
Again the SqueakDebug.log tell me some like

>> Error: Instances of UPackage are not indexable
>> 2 July 2008 11:04:56 am
>> VM: Mac OS - a SmalltalkImage
>> Image: SqueakLight|II [latest update: #7191]
>> SecurityManager state:
>> Restricted: false
>> FileAccess: true
>> SocketAccess: true
>> Working Dir Discovery:Users:admin:SqueakDevelop:SqueakLightII
>> Trusted Dir Discovery:Users:admin:SqueakDevelop:SqueakLightII
>> Untrusted Dir Discovery:Users:admin:Library:Preferences:Squeak:Internet:My
>> Squeak
>> UPackage(Object)>>error:
>>     Receiver: an UPackage
>>     Arguments and temporary variables:
>>         aString:     'Instances of UPackage are not indexable'
>>     Receiver's instance variables:
>>         name:     'Shout'
>>         version:     an UVersion
>>         category:     an UPackageCategory
>>         description:     'Syntax Highlighting that updates after each key
>> stroke so that th...etc...
>>         provides:     a Set()
>>         depends:     a Set('NewCompiler')
>>         url:     http://www.squeaksource.com/shout/Shout.3.15-tween.65.mcz
>>         homepage:     http://www.squeaksource.com/shout/
>>         maintainer:     ''
>>         squeakMapID:     nil

 >It seems a little odd that to installing previously included packages one
> has to search the wiki for the functionality you need, chose the
> "SqueakLightII Unofficial 3.11", work out the server location for all the
> culled packages, enter that into Monticello, and then install it. Shouldn't
> there be an easier way? This is hardly user friendly.

I on the way of having a "microUniverses" functionality for SqueakLightII
(see above)
You could be asked which packages you wish and a menu of package versions
the universes know for you choose and load.

I plan update the wiki page often and you could see the status from inside
of the image.

Being smaller and more modular means many you have on 3.9 or 3.10 lives out
of the image now.

In your case, you load mp3 and irc, but maybe another guy only loads the
LightWeb4.sar and have his own Comanche server.
Or could load the full Seaside +Plus.
Or load Etoys and nothing web related, etc.

Remember, is usable but still alpha.


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