Hello Rob:

I have been using Squeak for corporate presentation. I have effectively
stopped using PowerPoint. As you suspected, I use the book morph and the
stack morph for creating presentations. My Squeak presentations are much
more effective and come across as creative than passive PowerPoint ones.
However, I do find a lot of limitations in Squeak, owing to my own ignorance
I think, they are as follows:

1. I tried animating my Squeak presentations using EToys but it is way too

2. I failed to run some Flash movies on Squeak, some months ago Edgar had
suggested that older images support Flash but it didn't work for me. Maybe I
failed to include the Balloon package and was trying to activate the
FlashPlayer Morph. I lost interest in that at that point in time and left
off my experiments.

3. Exporting my slides from a book morph and a stack morph is way too
laborious, the way I do it. Usually, I save all my slides as Jpegs/PNGs and
send them to people in a folder which they can view in any Windows/Linux
image viewer with slide show capability. This approach renders my slides to
be passive like PowerPoint but lot more aesthetic in look&feel. I tried to
do this better but in vain. Any sugggestions?

4. Nowadays, I am pushing people to download Squeak and load my projects.
But it is difficult to move corporate people from Windows/Mac's native
applicaitons and freelancers from Adobe Flash/Photoshop.

But I must say that I have been sticking to Squeak as my authoring platform.
I take notes using workspace and export it as txt files for further use. I
use stack morphs to develop story boards (I am a writer, specialising in
technology and economy.)

This may be too low-level for people on this mail-list. Please forgive me.
If you have ideas for me, I will be grateful. (I intend to do some serious
programming in the days to come. I have programmed in Fortran, Cobol,
Pascal, C , Basic and used DBase IV and FoxBase. This is all between 1989 to

Prashanth Hebbar

On 7/5/08, Rob Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been seeing some messages fly by about people using Squeak like "Smart
> Paper."  What is meant by this?  Using the various presentation morphs and
> just projects and workspaces for a more visual, dynamic, note taking system?
> Could anyone give examples of how they are using Squeak just as a general
> tool, not necessarily for programming per se, if this is the correct way to
> interpret this?
> Just looking for uses I am not recognizing...
> Rob
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