On Aug 11, 2008, at 10:21 AM, Yoshiki Ohshima wrote:

I mistakenly created a category with a misspelled name.

  There are class categories and method categories.  Which one was it?

I'd have to say "class category," because in the 5-pane
browser (launched with Open->Class Browser and displaying
"System Browser" in its title-bar), when I create a new one,
I am presented in the lower pane with a dummy class

  With a 5 pane browser (the standard one), right-clicking on the
appropriate pane (either the left most of the top half or the third
one from the left in the top half) should give you the context menu,
and you can choose "rename" or "remove" from there.

OK, I found what you're talking about, but for me, on a
1-button Mac trackpad (I don't have my 3-button mouse with
me here), the combo is alt-click, which is inoperative in
most programs.  The right-click options are usually called
up with ctrl-click.  And yes, this is a side issue.

It's easy to delete the Class Browser, but not clear (to me) how to
delete this misspelled category.

  What do you mean by "delete the Class Browser"?

When I right-click (ctrl-click) anywhere in the Browser, I
get a menu offering a "delete" option, which makes the
Browser disappear.

Rename or remove.  Alt-click.  Thanks.

-- Yoshiki
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