El 9/24/08 11:42 PM, "Rob Rothwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> If I just want a simple "server" that listens for a text message on a port,
> does something, and sends back a text message, do I just need to somehow:
> 1.  Create a Socket and listen on the port.
> 2.  Create a SocketStream on: theSocket.
> 3.  Somehow fork and wait for input, reading it in using the SocketStream?
> I just want to make sure I am on the right track while trying to find the
> magic incantation...
> Thanks,
> Rob


Here you find a one class which change status of receive to send .
All is in Spanish, as I save one day I forgot my pendrive in my Network
classes in UTN Rosario.
Is supposed to have a Spy who sends encrypted messages to another Spy.
I afraid CIA and KGB don't let me publish the encrypted part...:=)


1) But I bet a beer on any decrypting the message if I made a complete
SqueakLight (old) OneClick image using this technic

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