On 02/10/2008, at 18:01, Andy Burnett wrote:

Thanks Edgar
Unfortunately, I am still getting exactly the same error message. Does one have to 'reboot' the squeak image after installing the FFI- Kernel?

Also, out of curiosity, why isn't this FFI package included in the standard image? I am sure there is a good reason, I just wondered what it is.


You don't need reboot.
Send the SqueakDebug.log which you system gives in the moment of callback direct to me and I try to figure why not work.

The image go towards more modular (and smaller) .
Squeak 4.0 is the final point and some of us work in intermediate solutions (Kernel, MinimalMorphic, MinimalCore, my SqueakLightII)
FFI was removed before 3dot10 and put on packages to load.
3dot10 was the first release with some packages removed and which could load. Our idea of use PackageUniverses is not perfect yet as we don't have a "Zar of packages" which rules how things should be.
So , democracy originates some confusion and misunderstanding :=)
I confident we work out this until we have a small kernel and any could choose which packages load and all works smooth.

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