El 10/29/08 6:51 PM, "Yoshiki Ohshima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> Charles Bacon wrote:
>> I have just installed Squeak on my FreeBSD box, a bit more capable than
>> the limited OLPC in which I discovered it as a part of Etoys.  Problem
>> is that Squeak gives no clue how to address a Midi file so that it can
>> be edited.  I am not a developer, just a hopeful user.  Ideas?
>> Chuck Bacon -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Ah, there may be some misunderstandings:
>   - In regards to sound editing capability, nothing has really changed
>     in the Etoys image.  Open a .mid file from the FileList or click
>     on the load button in the menu bar to navigate to the file and
>     press "open".  There, you can open the piano roll.  You can drag
>     the "notes", and add new notes if you "add keyboard" from the
>     context menu of piano roll.
>   - To get more developers' like features, you can set the
>     eToyFriendly preferences off.  From the World's halo menu, choose
>     preferences.  Then, type something like "etoy" into the panel and
>     turn off the eToyFriendly off.
> -- Yoshiki

> back in 3.6 times when the people doing the release work in Squeak
> were thinking more about users than about developers (no offense or
> criticism to the people currently doing the work!) Squeak had a
> project "The worlds of Squeak" inside it a Project "Music" to show off
> Swueak's musical tools. Inside that you would find a project "More
> about sound".
> In there is a text "More sound, Music and Speech". At the bottom you
> will find a paragraph "Writing your own midi scores".
> So I suggest you get yourself a Squeak3.6 full from
> http://ftp.squeak.org
> read the texts and play and then try what still works in current
> images.
> You will find the tools in the World menu, "Objects" "Multimedia", but
> I think you should read the texts in the old image. Maybe older images
> contain even more.
> BTW you can use the 3.x images with your recent VM. For older images
> you need the VM packaged with the image.

To info of Yoshiki and Herbert I add.
In 3.10 all related to .mid is still in the image and also on my
You don't need reload any.
I don't think a .pr of 3.6 times as was could run, others things like Speech
is not on "base" image now.
But any morph still in the image , as ScorePlayerMorph works same as in
older times.

I just check on 

> Writing your own midi scores
> To try this out, execute...
>     | n score |
>      n := 3."number of tracks"
>     score:= (MIDIScore new tracks: ((1 to: n) collect: [:i | Array new]);
>         trackInfo: ((1 to: n) collect: [:i | 'Instrument' , i printString]);
>         tempoMap: nil; ticksPerQuarterNote: 96).
>     ScorePlayerMorph openOn: score title: 'My score'

And works , as ever.

If you like music, I strong advice to check this


>From Stéphane Rollandin


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