> I beg all download one of this.
> http://ftp.squeak.org/various_images/SqueakLight/SqueakLightII.7214.zip (base
> system)
> How to have the IRC tool
> | loader |
>     loader _ CodeLoader new.
>     loader baseURL: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/Ladrillos/'.
>     loader loadSourceFiles: #('FFI-Kernel-ar.7.mcz'
> 'Network-IRC-fc.10.7.6.mcz');installSourceFiles.
> http://ftp.squeak.org/various_images/SqueakLight/SqueakLightII.dev.7215.zip
> (developers system)
> This comes with IRC ready to people give his own data and connect
> In both cases the base image have a very crude HTML reader (see WelcomeWindow)
> Last notice and complaints about this image
> HTTPSocket httpShowPage: 'http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6056'
> Without help, baby never mature and, worst, forever will be at my taste .
> Speak now or forever hold your peace !
> Hable ahora o calle para siempre
> I go to IRC in minutes, stay one hour here and then I go to downtown ,
> connecting from real bars and coffes ASAP
> Edgar

I connecting now , stay two hours and then go.

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