Hi Kevin,

there is a Seaside FAQ on generating PDFs




On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Kevin Polston<khwp...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I'd like to create a printable output file from within Squeak, for instance
> to create a report.
> I've done a little Googling and I'm surprised by how little material in the
> way of examples relating to creating printable files exist.  However, I've
> found a couple of classes class called PostscriptCanvas and EPSCanvas and a
> method within it called morphAsPostscript.
> To try these classes out I created a tiny code example and my first
> workspace example was:
>        p := PasteUpMorph new.
>        p extent: 3...@300.
>        p position: 2...@20.
>        p borderColor: Color black.
>        p setProperty:  #cornerStyle toValue: #rounded.
>        p openInWorld.
>        (FileStream newFileNamed: 'test1.ps') nextPutAll: (PostscriptCanvas
> morphAsPostscript: p).
> unfortunately the above doesn't work and halts with doesnotUnderstand
> #pageBBox.
> when I try the example again but this time using the EPSCanvas class:
>        p := PasteUpMorph new.
>        p extent: 3...@300.
>        p position: 2...@20.
>        p borderColor: Color black.
>        p setProperty:  #cornerStyle toValue: #rounded.
>        p openInWorld.
>        (FileStream newFileNamed: 'test2.eps') nextPutAll: (EPSCanvas
> morphAsPostscript: p).
> this time I generate output but the corners of the box aren't rounded in the
> eps file (they are rounded on the screen).
> So, my questions are:
> 1) Am I on the right track as far as generating printable output or should I
> be using an alternative technique?
> 2) Why does the first example crash with doesnotUnderstand #pageBBox?
> 3) Why does the second example *almost* work but does not render the rounded
> corners?
> Many thanks
> Kevin
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