On 07.11.2009, at 14:18, Christine Wolfe wrote:

If I have a morph that is stepping through some process I know I can test for whether or not it is still stepping by using the isStepping method. But, how to I put this into a loop so that the next instruction doesn’t start until the stepping is done.

Here is my mouseDown code. I want to put something in before the last instruction so it doesn’t execute until isStepping becomes false.

mouseDown: evt
path := OrderedCollection new.
0 to: 9 do: [:i | path add: self position + (0@(10 * i))].
path := path, path reversed.
self startStepping.

self owner moveTheGameBall.

Not possible in Morphic (that is one of the major advantages of Tweak).

The canonical way is to test for the end condition in #step. Something like

        path ifEmpty: [^self stopStepping].
        self position: path removeFirst.
        path ifEmpty: [self owner moveTheGameBall]

- Bert -

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