On 18.11.2009, at 13:41, Steve Wessels wrote:
> That's right.  Smalltalk hasn't died.  I am fortunate enough to be part of a 
> team developing financial software for many years using Smalltalk.
> People have predicted Smalltalk's death about as often as Apple's death.
> I think comparisons between Smalltalk and Java have to take marketing into 
> account.
> Paying Smalltalk work is harder to find.  Here's an interesting twist.  
> Companies looking for skilled Object Oriented developers, if they understand 
> what they need, will seek programmers with Smalltalk experience.
> - Steve

To what extent do you think the following applies (in reverse) to Smalltalk?

"If you program in the most popular programming language, your skill in that 
particular language is a commodity. If you program only in the most popular 
programming language, you have made yourself a commodity. A commodity can only 
compete on location and price, and location doesn't really get you much on the 
Internet. This means that only people with a poor understanding of economics 
program in [the most popular programming language]."

- Bert -

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