> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 04:08:41PM -0300, Bruno Giacomelli wrote:

>>    - Where can I find ealier versions of Squeak? It appears that my version
>>    Squeak 4.1 (released on 17 April 2010) don't have compatibility with
>>    MPEGMoviePlayer yet, I think.

Bruno, MPEGPlayer is in the 3.9 images.

Damien Cassou's images of Squeak 3.9 are good, but his old page at
http://damien.cassou.free.fr/squeak-dev.html seems to have an outdated
forwarding address, so I can't direct you to his latest from 2009.

An incomplete archive of Damien's images is at
Try http://squeak.ofset.org/squeak-web/old/sq3.9.1-7075web08.05.2.zip from 2008.

Click on the world desktop, and select 'objects' from the world menu -
MPEGPlayer is in the object browser.  Its class is
MPEGMoviePlayerMorph.  It is drag and drop, and plays MPEG-1 movies,
such as the CASTLE.mpg clip in the Croquet 1.0 SDK.

Hope that helps.  David
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