Hello William,

there is a book named "Learn programming with robots" which is aimed at teaching programming with Squeak. The book can be obtained via Amazon and google turned up this page for download.

Then there is Squeak by example which is meant to teach Squeak but assumes some programming experience.

In both cases find the accompanying Squeak images. This is because Squeak evolves and for newcomers it's important that the examples just work. Although finding out why an example did not work is a great learning achievement people are usually good at providing enough not working examples for themselves. :-)

The site Casey recommended is a great resource, it can be found here.

But you have to be a bit careful because of the differences in Smalltalk dialects. Which means not every example will work unmodified in a current Squeak image.

Other than that there are Etoys and Scratch which are based on Squeak but provide a graphical introduction (tile programming) into programming.

And finding an answer to Casey's question, a project that interests you, may get you some more results.



Am 27.12.2013 06:44, schrieb william murphy:

If I have never programmed before but want to learn to program with Squeak, which tutorial should I read?

Thank you,


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