On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Philip Potter <philip.g.pot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1 May 2010 12:15, Paul <opensou...@unixoses.com> wrote:
>> Hello all.  How can I test to see if a number is divisible by say, 40?
>> Thanks.
> Use the modulo operator %. Given integers $x and $y, the expression $x
> % $y gives the remainder when $x is divided by $y. As a result, if
> (and only if) $x is exactly divisible by $y, $x % $y is equal to 0.

And there's the rub: "number" ne "integer".

% is fine if you're only interested in integers, but if you want to
compare other numbers use fmod() from POSIX.pm:

    perl -MPOSIX -wle 'print POSIX::fmod(35, 17.5)'

It's considerably slower than %, but it gets the job done.


-- jay
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