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Test results for Test : Exchange

This is a test: 92
This is a test: 325
92 What function of Exchange Server allows designers to develop applications that automate tasks and processes?
Correct answer is : D You answered  AC
The Reason
This is a test: 441
325 Which of the following are core components of Exchange Server?
Correct answer is : BDE You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 572
441 You notice that processor utilization is intensive. What upgrade would you recommend?
Correct answer is : A You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 486
572 You have three geographically separated sites with Internet access. They are currently connected with Site Connectors. What site connector would be a good backup connector in this case?
Correct answer is : C You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 10
486 What two folders are available in Exchange Server?
Correct answer is : CE You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 345
10 What Exchange Server service is used whenever a message needs to be sent to another Exchange Server, to a MS Mail postoffice, or to a foreign X.400 system?
Correct answer is : D You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 315
345 What makes it difficult to implement security in a shared file mail system?
Correct answer is : B You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 346
315 What allows users to organize and view information in different ways?
Correct answer is : B You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 73
346 You recently read an article on Exchange and the benefits to your company with organizing, user access, sharing data. After rushing out and purchasing it you have a problem, because no one can get to their e-mail. Outlook client is called the universal inbox, so why can't the employees receive or send anything out?
Correct answer is : AC You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 121
73 What is the limit on each Information Store database?
Correct answer is : E You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 108
121 The Microsoft Mail Connector provides connectivity to:
Correct answer is : AD You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 274
108 The Information Store (IS) contains which of the following information?
Correct answer is : AD You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 233
274 Which are components of Exchange Server?
Correct answer is : BD You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 266
233 The System Attendant generates which of the following.
Correct answer is : ACD You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 307
266 Which Information Store stores messages from one individual to selected group of users?
Correct answer is : A - You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 585
307 What are two fundamental ways a user can exchange information?
Correct answer is : BC You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 162
585 Which encryption mechanism provides source verification to allow users to know the source of info received?
Correct answer is : C You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 43
162 Messages being sent to an Internet address or to a non-X.400 system do not go through the MT
Correct answer is : C You answered  
The Reason
This is a test: 277
43 How are schedule free and busy times handled by the Exchange Server?
Correct answer is : C You answered  
The Reason
277 What are the two types of folders used by Exchange Server clients?
Correct answer is : A You answered  
The Reason
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!92!325!441!572!486!10!345!315!346!73!121!108!274!233!266!307!585!162!43!277test is :