Whoops! Forgot to send this to the beginners-cgi list :-)

Oh well...

On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Mike Lesser wrote:

> (1) What's the contemporary way to print xhtml from my CGI? Should I 
> use CGI.pm, or something else? I currently just have a mess of print 
> commands.

Current versions of CGI.pm should generate XHTML by default, iirc.

Check the perldoc & upgrade if necessary.
> (2) My stylesheets don't work with @import - Apache claims that it 
> can't find the file. They _do_ work with a hard reference like
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
> href="http://localhost/the_stylesheet.css"; />

So just use that then.

If you really really want to have them in an @import call in the HTML, 
reconsider. The <link ...> approach should be fine. If you still want 
to do it this way, please clarify how you're trying to implement it.

Can you construct a simple HTML file with the same @import call that 
fails in the same way your CGI script does? If so, then CGI is ruled out 
as a culprit and the problem is with the URL, or with Apache; if the 
page works that way, then something your CGI is doing is breaking.

Chris Devers

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