Scott Taylor wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a CGI script that I need to display the output of a shell program,
> basically a simple C program that parses some text.
> The output is right to the browser, and I don't want it to be creating any
> new files or anything.  I have a data field that has a blob and that blob
> needs to be parsed and the output returned to the browser.
> What is a good way to do this:
> while ( my ($row ) = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
>     my $raw_data = $row->{BLOB};
>     my $parsed_data = system ("echo $raw_data|pasrer");
>     ...
>     }
> of course that doesn't work, but what would be the right way to do it?
> Cheers.
> --
> Scott

You should have a look at the section "Pipe Opens" in,

perldoc perlopentut

Should be what you are looking for. I do assume you have a good reason
for writing the parser in C....

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