On Sat, 07 Dec 2002 23:49:01 +0000 "Lisa D Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> My mother of blessed memory, when she would come from Detroit to 
> visit, upon 
> opening my fridge, exclaimed, "Where's YOUR food?
> (was tucked between dogs' various menu items).
> When I would describe the various treatments, therapies, social 
> events, 
> classes, and foods enjoyed by the Berners, she used to say "You 
> should take 
> such good care of yourself!"
> Anyone else experience this with a sibling, parent, spouse?
> Mom adored my dogs, singing to them, cuddling them, sending them 
> gifts!

My mom didn't care much for animals even though we always had a dog of
some sort as I grew up. When my third Berner came into my home and I told
her I had a new puppy, there was a silence. Slowly, she quietly said "I
guess I never am going to have grandchildren." I suggested she consider
her dogs her grandchildren but somehow the idea never caught on. :)

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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