BERNER-L Digest 4241

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: BERNER-L digest 4240
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2) Re: another Jessyka update
        by "Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) RE: Chronic Ear Infection
        by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) RE: chewing spasm
        by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Re: adoption
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) gratitude
        by Wendi Giordano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) New Berner Pup...adviceneeded!
        by "lisa stucke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) Re: Berner Love
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) Dear Harvey
        by "Michaela Simmons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 10) Re: BERNER-L digest 4240
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11) Bernese ownership & general loopiness
        by "Michaela Simmons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) new pages
        by Hugh Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) Stevie Update-Friday 24th
        by "Karen McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Neat obedience class last night
        by Lucy & Yogi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) FW: Hundreds Of Dogs Seized From Malheur County Home
        by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) biteing and nipping - too agressive?
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 17) Re: New Berner Pup...adviceneeded!
        by "Eileen Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) New Berner puppy -- basics
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 19) Stevie's update
        by "Karen McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 20) Re: Oatmeal
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 21) Re: Oatmeal
        by "Liz Steinweg & Crew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 23) LAST CHANCE to enter the BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser...
        by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 24) Feb 7th and 8th....
        by Jim Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   It sounds like that little Jessyka of yours is certainly strong willed
and willing to fight for everything she has! Her improvements are wonderful
and I hope she continues to make progress as time goes on. Hug that little

Kelly Weir and Hope
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My advice for any owner of a dog with continuing and stubborn ear
infections is to have it cultured. My Oak was plagued with "yeasty" ears
that I treated but the problem persisted, her ears became inflammed and we
did a culture. Turned out to be strep and e-coli and worst of all
pseudynomous (sp) the latter has a nasty habit of becoming drug resistant
and we had quite the protocol of treatment but we did beat it. She was put
on Eukanuba Fish and Potato and remains on that diet. My one venture back
to regular kibble had her ears inflamming so a short course of prednisone
and back to FP supplemented with Pink Salmon. She was spayed and without
the hormonal fluctuation she stabilised and is doing great.

Food allergies are notorious for causing problems with ears.

Rose Tierney
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Hi Margreta,
For some dogs intense chewing gives them an endorphine rush rather like a
horse that crib bites. The "buzz" is what drives them. If he is in
possession of his second set of teeth and going into a frenzied chew
session and you are worried about him over stressing himself then just
limit his access to bones etc. and up his physical activities. Puppies need
to chew to relieve the discomfort of all the changes going on in their
jaws, adults can get addicted to the rush rather like some humans enjoy
crossing the pain barrier when running!

If this is only periodic I wouldn't worry too much but be careful he
doesn't overdrink when he's finished.

Rose T.
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In a message dated 1/23/2003 5:41:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> can you please let me know if there is a way to contact the berner rescue 
>  league? i'm interested in adopting a young dog, must not be aggressive 
> toward cats. since my "duchess" died, they are all i have left. i live in 
>  mass, which is about 30 miles northeast of boston. 

Hi Sharon,

The New England regional BMD (the BMDCNV) includes Rescue in its charter.  
You'll find informatiopn about the club at and can contact the 
Rescue Chair at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In addition to regional rescue, you might want to get to know breeders in the 
club as some occassionally place a young adult they had kept for potential 
breeding but decide to place instead.  Club events are a good way to network 
so you'll be in the loop when someone has a dog to place.

Another good resource is BARC.  BARC is a non-profit organization that 
rescues Bernese from exploitive situations such as puppy mill auctions and 
brokers.  The pups/dogs are evaluated and then placed in carefully matched 
homes.  You'll find information at

~ Sherri Venditti
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Dear Friends,

I cannot find words that can adequately express my
gratitude for your suppport, knowledge and willingness
to share.  You are the most amazing group of people I
have ever known.  Thank you from the bottom of my
heart.  Hugh, your post was so thoughtful, i just sat
there and cried, you left me speechless, which is
indeed a very rare event.
I have received so many posts and I wish to thank you
all!  You all remind me of our berners. Thank you!


Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Striving to be worthy of my beautiful Berner girls...
Miss Kitty (Swiss Stars Cat Balou)
Splash (Swiss Stars Over Niagara)
And Struggling to live up to "A tired puppy is a good puppy."
Cutter (Swiss Stars Black Diamond)

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--- Begin Message --- Barbara,

To find a reputable breeder in the Michigan area contact the Heart of Michigan Bernese Mountain Dog Club, HMBMDC, at They have a listing of preferred breeders. It just so happens that the club is holding its annual Berner Blizzard Bash next Saturday, Feb 1, 2003, in Rockford, MI. This would be great opportunity for you to meet some berner owners and their dogs. You are more than welcome to attend.

Then again, if you will be relocated to Colorado in July, I suggest you contact the BMD Club in Colorado and find a breeder there. If you found a breeder in Michigan today, chances are all the pups in their next litter will be spoken for and you will be put on their "list". There are many good breeders - with excellent lines - in the Colorado area and into Texas. Go to; there you will find the Colorado club and info sheets on 'how to buy a BMD pup". Also, use the internet to research a sire and dames pedigree on the Berner Garde,

The Bernese Mountain Dog is considered a rare dog breed and it seems like reputable breeders are just as rare - but they are out there - you just have to keep looking!. The BMD's gaining popularity has increased backyard breeding and encouraged puppy mills to mass produce. These mass-produced dogs have entered the gene pool are raising havoc with the breeds health. Just because you are looking for a "pet" quality, dog that will be neutered, doesn't mean you have to disregard quality and health. For $1500.00 your pup should be healthy, AKC registered, come with a contract and come from a breeder that will be there, always, for you and your dog throughout your dogs life.
Keep reading the Berner "L" and keep learning. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to post to the "L". gook luck in your search.

Michigan, USA


Dear Denise,

Please forgive my boldness in e-mailing you, but as I was reading the L-Digest, I
saw your comment about your dogs, and it sounds like you are in Michigan.

I am searching for a well bred companion BMD.   I do not intend to breed, but need a
Berner as part of the family!!  I have been researching the breed for quite awhile, and
am anxious now to be involved in the local Michigan Club, and get to know any
Colorado Clubs / breeders also. I currently live in Michigan, but will be retiring and relocating Steamboat Springs, Colorado in July.  

Could you point me in the right direction as to how to find BMD's near my area in Michigan? I would appreciate any additional help / contacts that you can suggest.

Thank you in advance,

Barbara Clark
3321 Harbours Blvd.
Waterford, MI  48328


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Dear Harvey

I'm thrilled to bits that the small growth I found on your chest was finally
found to be benign. A histiocytoma. Or a bad reaction to a tick bite. But
nothing nasty.

But I have to tell you that I'm kind of getting too old for this kind of
mental anguish and upheaval. I know that it got you TONS of extra attention.
But I aged 10 years in 10 days. At least! Plus, all this worry turned me
into a complete screwball. I vividly remember that on the day I expected the
results back I  expressed murderous rage because the guy in front of me
bought the last stick of MY favourite butter. I think the innocent chap
never experienced such venom over buying butter and never shall again. The
man is mentally scarred for life and will be scared for life of grocery
shopping. And I thought I handled all the stress really well until
then......Oh, dear.

Thus, in future, if you want some extra attention....couldn't you just bark
or something?

all my love


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You know, I think there is a STRONG positive correlation between being owned
by a Bernese AND going totally bonkers. Seriously. An under researched area
if ever there was one. Should be a fertile field if anyone ever decides to
delve into it.

When I found this nasty looking little wart-like growth on Harvey, I was
concerned. Not overly so, just "normally" concerned. When my vet showed
concern also, I got a bit more worried. But by the day the results of the
needle aspiration were back and THEN being told that they had to repeat it
since the results weren't clear and the pathologist was also concerned, I
turned into a nutter. Not outwardly. Nobody would have known ( except the
unfortunate man buying butter!). Ha, that even rhymes! ( obviously, I'm
still recovering).

Still, the culmination of the developing mental instability was reached when
my friend Jean ( Cheesman) told me about the "cheese" remedy. Apparently, in
the good ol' days, you could make a wart go away by nailing a piece of
cheese to your back door. According to Jean, by the time the cheese was
mouldy the wart would disappear. You also had to chant or sing something to
complete the healing process. So far, so good.

Under the principle " it can't hurt" and "nothing ventured nothing gained""
I courteously asked my husband for a hammer. At 11 p m. Who looked at me
incredulously. "You can't nail cheese to the door! Are you mad? You'll ruin
the door". Now you'd think that in 17 years of marriage, the man would have
learned to never, EVER dispute anything whilst one of our furry family
members is not well or suspected to be ill. But no, evidently not. Somewhat
less courteously I informed my beloved that I didn't give a **** about the
door and would he please pass me the hammer snappily, thank you so much.

The cheese was promptly nailed, Harv's results the next day were clear (
Ha!), and as for me.....well, I'm still apologizing to hubby.

As I said, Berners and worrying about their health will drive you loopy.
I'll guarantee it. I mean, who in their right mind nails cheese to their
back door?????????

Michaela, Harvey & Rupert
mad but healthy in Devon/UK
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>From the digests-

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Dear List,
Well we have now had a major set back, Stevie is now battling a full blown
pneumonia. His temperature shot up during the night and he is in respiratory
distress. He may need some respiratory support, (ventilator) They are doing
all they can, loading him with antibiotics, broncodilators, and of coarse
coritsone to reduce swelling in his airways. I am just not sure how much
more my darling can endure. His breathing is laboured and very rapid. It is
so hard to watch him struggling. I am not sure that I have the strength.
Just when I thought that I had cried my last tear, the floodgates are wide
open again. Stevie is the only thing that keeps me going and I am sure I
would just give in, but when I look into that gorgeous face and know the
love he has for me and mine for him, it gives me the determination to dig in
and try to help him fight. I will try to update here when I can. I have my
laptop with me, but I spend as much time with my boy as my poor tired body
will allow. Thank you all for your continuing support.
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--- Begin Message --- We did a really neat thing in my obedience class last night.

Last night my instructor had us pair up with another human, and have one of us be the person, and one human act the role of the dog. The person/handler did the heeling exercises with the human "dog". This really sank home the importance of cueing my dog with my behaviour and footwork for left turns, right turns and about turns. It was difficult as the "dog" to keep up with the person, and I found myself lagging or forging most of the exercise while I was the "dog".

I have ever increasing respect for my girl who knows me so well, and puts up with my weaknesses in the ring.

P.S. The dogs go crazy when I am working with one and the other is separated, so I'm trying to teach my fiance clicker training, so we can each work with one dog at a time (he'll teach tricks and I'll work on our "formal" stuff). So... we did an exercise where I clicker trained him, then he taught clicker trained me. My behaviour for him was to walk into the kitchen and turn on the faucet - he taught me to retrieve his slipper! <groan>
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Forwarded from Jim: (And this sounds like a collector rather than a mill
situation, but the end result for the dogs isn't much different)

Idaho-2-News (KBCI-TV Boise ID) - January 23, 2003

Hundreds Of Dogs Seized From Malheur County Home  -  By Paul Fredericks

NEAR HARPER, Oregon - 

"Just mud and feces.  It's just a sea of mud and feces." That's how the
President of the 2nd Chance Animal Shelter describes the conditions. 
Barbara Hutchinson helped haul away close to 600 dogs from a home near
the tiny town of Harper in Malheur County. . . . "

" The animals are being taken to a facility in Fruitland, Idaho where a
veterinarian will examine them.  The 2nd Chance Animal Shelter is
overwhelmed by the amount of dogs... and needs help.  The shelter is in
desperate need of donations such as food, lumber, carriers, dishes, and
cash to help cover veterinary costs. The numbers you can call are
208-642-2790 or 208-642-1002. Cash donations can be made to
Intermountain Community Bank (2nd Chance Animal Shelter Fund) in
Payette, Idaho."

[Pix and video clip available at URL below.]

Copyrighted material of Fisher Communications, Inc. (KBCI TV)
Copyright 2002 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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Hi everyone!  I have only been on the Berner-L list for a few days, so I
hope I'm doing this right.  I would like to know if anyone can tell me,
if my 10 month old Berner is too agressive?  I don't necessarily mind his
constant barking some nights, but I do mind his always trying to nip and
bite at me and my husband's fingers, arms, and cloths.  I tell him firmly
"no" but I can't get him to stop!  Is he too agressive?  What can I do to
make him stop nipping and biteing at us and our poor guests?
Linda J. Watson
The Woodlands, TX

-- Original Message --

>                           BERNER-L Digest 4240
>Topics covered in this issue include:
>  1) Re: Head Injury
>       by "A Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2) yard salad
>       by Emma Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  3) Re: MANY  WAYS  TO  SAY  "I  LOVE  YOU"   -   BERNER  FUNDS!!
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  4) Another way to donate to Berner funds....
>       by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  5) Re: MANY  WAYS  TO  SAY  "I  LOVE  YOU"   -   BERNER  FUNDS!!
>       by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  6) Re: Chronic Ear Infection
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  7) Fresh Factors question
>       by "Martha Hoverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  8) RE: Head Injury
>       by "Matt & Julia Richert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  9) Update on Stevie
>       by "Karen McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 10) Lost Breeder
>       by "Susan Folk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11) Re: lymphosarcoma
>       by Hugh Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 12) pick up truck law
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 13) Re: Chronic Ear Infection
>       by "Timothy Moses" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 14) Re: BERNER-L digest 4239
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 15) Re: Chronic Ear Infection
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 16) Re: BERNER-L digest 4239
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 17) chewing spasm
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 18) Re: guard dog?
>       by "Beth Oberle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 19) Itchy ears
>       by "Jan Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 20) Need Berner Help In Chester, SC
>       by Esther Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 21) Mira Foundation
>       by "Coral and David Denis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 22) Novi, Michigan Show Results
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 23) adoption
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 24) Re: Novi, Michigan Show Results
>       by "Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 25) Re: Need Berner Help In Chester, SC
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 26) Happy 2nd birthday!
>       by Patricia Tackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 27) Update on Stevie #2
>       by "Karen McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 28) BMDCW upcoming events: Draft Test, Matches & Workshop
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 29) Bernese Mtn. Dog newsletter
>       by Sue D'Agostino' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 30) another Jessyka update
>       by "Susan Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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We crate trained Mic, no problem. We also both work full time, so that can
be managed as long as you are willing to give the puppy, and when he is no
longer cute, your dog, face time and quality time too.

I really liked the book "The Culture Clash" by Jean Donaldson for a how-to
socialize and train a youngster or a rehab project.

Congrats, and good luck!

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Dear List,
This note will be short. Stevie's condition has worsened and he is now being
assisted to breath. His temperature is down somewhat and they are running
fans on him all the time. I lie beside him with my mitts, coat and hat on.
He has been given a paralytic so he is not fighting the vent. The next 24
hours will tell the tale. Please hope and pray that God in all his wisdom
will be merciful, either way. I told Stevie that if he needed to go that Mum
would be ok and that there were lots of friends waiting at the bridge. On a
good note his ICP (intracranial pressure) is down to almost normal. If we
can just get him through the next day or so, he would at least stand a
chance. I wish someone would just wake me up from the nightmare.
Love to you All,
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We have given our dogs oatmeal (both cooked and raw - mixed in with regular
meal or alone as a treat) for years with no problems. It is more of a filler
than anything else, but our dogs love it!

Liz Steinweg & The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte "Baloo"
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio & Sahara (the "Rat Cats")
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00 lost to MH)
Colorado Springs CO

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Oatmeal

Hi. I love oatmeal and was wondering if it is suitable for dogs. If so,
cooked or raw?

Esta Dalsass
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--- Begin Message --- Well folks, the big day is almost here. Tomorrow evening is the drawing for the BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser. I have received several notes from people pledging to send money to the fundraiser and I'll be putting their tickets into the drawing tonight. But, please don't forget to send your checks to me if you pledged a donation. I'm still waiting for a few people to fulfill their pledges from the last fundraiser.

Here is the website for those of you who still haven't seen the "neat Berner stuff" that you can win.

Check it out. After tomorrow evening's drawing, you don't want someone else's name to be by the item that you are craving, do you? You can still buy tickets to help your chances of winning. Just be sure to send me a note telling me how much you are sending and how you'd like me to distribute your tickets.

Thank you to all of the generous people who donated the wonderful Berner items to this fundraiser.
Thank you to all of the generous people who bought tickets to try to win the wonderful Berner items in the fundraiser.
Thank you to Karen Pickel for making such a terrific web site for our fundraiser.
Thank you...thank you....thank you......

Joye Neff (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA
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A couple days ago there was a post requesting info on
a possible 53 BMD's at auction. I am sure that this
has already been posted as I receive the "L" in digest
form, but I just got home, checked my regualr US mail
and YES, there are 53 Berners ---> 25 Females and 28
Males <----- scheduled for auction on Saturday the 8th
of Feburary. This is just 2 short weeks away!! 

What's sick about this auction is that there is a
total of 507 DOGS. So roughly 9.56693773584% (my
calculator wouldn't carry this out any farther) are
Berners. Some of the other breeds making a major
appearence are 64 Pomeranian's, 53 King Charles
Cavaliers, 72 Yorkies.

Lets step up and see what we can do....


Jim Johnson

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