pippin;494972 Wrote: 
> Yes.
> I originally answered a bit more verbose to your original question but
> decided to edit back.
> Just one thing: There are simple things you could start with (like
> writing documentation on the status quo and implementing a change
> scheme) but from what I read here I believe the team is frustrated,
> too.
> The problem is not the team, there are exceptionally good developers
> there, but the way priorities have been set.
> Doesn't make sense to do it before the touch release. But you have to
> do it after that or this is in danger of falling apart, IMHO.
> At least until now, 7.5 looks better than 7.4 but they have to take
> care not to get into a mess again.
> Jive and all the logic around it (protocols et al) was pretty much
> screwed up on the first implementation. This whole stack of protocols
> is, what, 1 2 years old? In summer it looked like it carries along 30
> years of legacy. 7.4 was a first step to clean it up but if this isn't
> done in a more ordered fashin, it's quickly going to fall apart again.
> And no, this is not going to take more resources. That's what everybody
> tends to under-estimate (sounds like you don't, but want to mention it
> anyway): SW development is 30% development and 70% testing, bug fixing
> and maintenance. You always tend to try to speed up the development but
> in the end this comes back on the other 70%. Better spend some time
> upfront to cut back that big bag.
> "Develop a little, release a little" works fine when you want to get
> new stuff out and you need to experiment with featurs and functions.
> If you have a product range with 6 devices, three servers, two
> platforms, 3rd party development and an ever changing range of services
> to support it's just not going to work, there is a point of complexity
> where maintenance alone eats all resources you can ever get onto
> something and if you want to live on through this there is no way but to
> get it (complexity) down.

Can't add to, or subtract from, what you said.  So I won't try.

Best regards,



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