On 06/22/2011 05:33 PM, Janet Young wrote:
Hi again,

Thanks, Michael - looking forward to seqselect on GRanges being implemented, if 
possible. Getting a little further through my old code, brings up another 
related request.

Here are some slightly different example ranges:

And I had previously been using this command:
        restrict(ranges(myRD), 30,50)
I'm doing that because I'm interested in ranges within the same region on every single 
"chromosome". With my real data, they spaces/seqnames are not chromosomes, 
they're promoter regions centered around the transcription start site, and I want to take 
various equivalent sub-portions of the whole set of promoters)

I can't get "restrict" to work on the GRanges object at the moment (even if I 
try that same coercion first):
        restrict( myGR , 30,50)
         Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable)  :
           unable to find an inherited method for function "restrict", for signature 

        restrict( as(myGR,"RangesList") , 30,50)
         Error in sapply(listData, function(Xi) extends(class(Xi), 
elementTypeX)) :
          error in evaluating the argument 'X' in selecting a method for 
function 'sapply': Error in .CompressedList.list.subscript(X = X,   INDEX = 
seq_len(length(X)),  :
          invalid output element of class "IRanges"

It would be great if restrict could work directly in the same way as it did for 
RangedData.  In the meantime I can probably figure out a way to do it with 


  rng <- restrict(ranges(gr), 30, 50, keep.all.ranges=TRUE)
  ranges(gr) <- rng
  gr[width(gr) != 0]

(and similarly for GRangesList).




On Jun 22, 2011, at 4:19 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:


There is already a coercion from GRanges to RangesList, i.e., as(gr, 
"RangesList"). That said, seqselect() should have a method for GRanges, if 


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 4:15 PM, Janet Young<jayo...@fhcrc.org>  wrote:
Hi again,

A further note - the workaround I first emailed only works when there's one 
range per chromosome.   I have a better workaround now - the coercion looks 
like this instead:

convertGRangesToCompressedIRangesList<- function (myGRobject) {
    myGR_convert<- split(myGRobject, seqnames(myGRobject) )
    names(myGR_convert)<- unlist(lapply(myGR_convert, function(x) { 
as.character(seqnames(x))[1] }))

    myGR_convert<- lapply(myGR_convert, ranges )
    class(myGR_convert)<- "CompressedIRangesList"


Begin forwarded message:

From: Janet Young<jayo...@fhcrc.org>
Date: June 22, 2011 4:01:03 PM PDT
To: Bioc-sig-sequencing@r-project.org
Subject: seqselect using GRanges object on multiple chromosomes

Hi there,

I'm updating some of my older code - I was previously storing regions of 
interest as RangedData but now I'm switching to GRanges.  I'm running into a 
little trouble with seqselect - I've found a workaround but wanted to suggest 
extending seqselect so it can work with GRanges objects directly.

I have some scores for each base-pair I've stored as a SimpleRleList object.  I 
want to use GRanges object with seqselect to pull out scores from my regions of 
interest, but to make that work I first have to do an odd (and slightly 
wrong-looking, to me) coercion of my GRanges object to a CompressedIRangesList.

I think the code below explains all (?).

thanks very much,


Loading required package: IRanges

Attaching package: 'IRanges'

The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base':

    cbind, eval, intersect, Map, mapply, order, paste, pmax, pmax.int, pmin,
    pmin.int, rbind, rep.int, setdiff, table, union

### make some scores objects, for single chromosomes, or across several chrs
tempscores<- Rle(1:20)
tempscores2<- Rle(101:120)
allscores<- RleList(chr1=tempscores,chr2=tempscores2) # yields a SimpleRleList

## make some ranges objects
myIR<- IRanges(start=3,end=5)
myGR<- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1","chr2"),ranges=IRanges(start=3,end=5))
myRD<- RangedData(space=c("chr1","chr2"),IRanges(start=c(3,3),end=c(5,5)) )

### test seqselect:
seqselect(tempscores,myIR) #works
'integer' Rle of length 3 with 3 runs
  Lengths: 1 1 1
  Values : 3 4 5
seqselect(allscores,myGR) # doesn't work
Error in seqselect(allscores, myGR) : unrecognized 'start' type
seqselect(allscores,myRD) # doesn't work
Error in seqselect(allscores, myRD) : unrecognized 'start' type

seqselect(allscores,ranges(myRD)) # works. ranges(myRD) is a 
SimpleRleList of length 2
'integer' Rle of length 3 with 3 runs
  Lengths: 1 1 1
  Values : 3 4 5

'integer' Rle of length 3 with 3 runs
  Lengths:   1   1   1
  Values : 103 104 105

seqselect(allscores,ranges(myGR)) # doesn't work
Error in .bracket.Index(start, length(x), names(x), asRanges = TRUE) :
  range index out of bounds
seqselect(allscores,split(myGR)) # doesn't work
Error in seqselect(allscores, split(myGR)) : unrecognized 'start' type

#### coerce myGR to something that looks a bit like a CompressedIRangesList
myGR_convert<- split(myGR)
names(myGR_convert)<- names(seqlengths(myGR_convert))
myGR_convert<- lapply(myGR_convert, ranges )
class(myGR_convert)<- "CompressedIRangesList"

seqselect(allscores,myGR_convert) # works
SimpleRleList of length 2
'integer' Rle of length 3 with 3 runs
  Lengths: 1 1 1
  Values : 3 4 5

'integer' Rle of length 3 with 3 runs
  Lengths:   1   1   1
  Values : 103 104 105

R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)
Platform: i386-apple-darwin9.8.0/i386 (32-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] GenomicRanges_1.4.6 IRanges_1.10.4

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