Thanks Davis!

It went very well after I check the number with 
"colSums(d$pseudo.alt)*d$samples$norm.factors", the pseudocounts Sum of each 
library are very similar to each other as expected. 
To follow this point I have another question about the meaning of the above 
formula. What does it mean in mathematics or/and biology, if any? 
If I call the pseudo-counts (from d$pseudo.alt) as the 
library-size-adjusted-counts (right ?), can I call the new number 
"d$pseudo.alt*d$samples$norm.factors" as normalized-counts? The calculation of 
pseudocounts is explained in the User's Guide, but not this one, except one 
sentence that might be related  in the man page of calcNormFactors(): "For 
symmetry, normalization factors are adjusted to multiply to 1".  I do not feel 
very clear with it.

The reason I want to get this "normalized number" is to compare the relative 
expression level of each gene across the conditions. I am somehow confused with 
the difference between the library size adjustment and the normalization (This 
is mentioned on page 3 of the user's guide), when I was trying to convince my 
colleague the pseudo-counts of a gene should be used to compare the relative 
expression level, but this formula  integrates both library size and the 
normalization factor, which seems somehow redundant, am I right?

Another general question is the row names of the data. I found after the 
DGEList object was created, the row names are gone.  Before the analysis I 
assigned the row names to the IDs, but the results are labeled with  tag.1, 
tag.2, tag.53 etc when the analysis is done:
> head($table)
           logConc         logFC         p.value
tag.1 -17.48306247  2.1215798358 2.723289267e-05
tag.2 -17.06332866  0.6656604697 1.705717572e-01
tag.3 -11.99482641 -0.3162543327 4.915230723e-01
tag.4 -15.76854867 -0.5882280375 2.121440211e-01
tag.5 -15.22523652  1.9007994967 7.434382812e-05

How to o keep the rownames always in position?  This may be related to R data 
manupilation, but with edgeR I felt lost, especially after I filtered out the 
extreme low cpm genes as the dataset is different from the original one. 

################This is what I used as copied from the guide###############
countsTable <- read.delim("Deep_seq_data.csv", header=T, stringsAsFactors=T)

# Remove the first column which is FeatureID as AGI number
d<-countsTable[, -1]

conditions<-rep(c("Zygote", "Octant", "Globular", "Heart", "Torpedo", "Bent", 
"Mature"), each=2)

#set the row name for database, believed to be mySQL

# make a DGE object
d<-DGEList(counts=countsTable[,-1], group=conditions)

#check the counts

# Filter genes with >=1 counts per million, in at leats 2 samples
d<-d[rowSums(1e+06*d$counts/expandAsMatrix(d$samples$lib.size, dim(d))>=1)>=2,]

#get the gene number satisfying the above condition and for display use of 
> d
An object of class "DGEList"
             group lib.size norm.factors
Zygote1     Zygote 21012147            1
Zygote2     Zygote 19924212            1
Octant1     Octant 26002900            1
Octant2     Octant  9660245            1
Globular1 Globular 17139388            1
9 more rows ...

     Zygote1 Zygote2 Octant1 Octant2 Globular1 Globular2 Heart1 Heart2 Torpedo1 
Torpedo2 Bent1 Bent2 Mature1 Mature2
[1,]      40      42     322     158       616       402   1511   1897     1122 
     640  1121   351       0      36
[2,]     115      68     270     123        94        37    403    517       83 
      24   166    66       2      22
[3,]    4228    4340    4794    3678      1527      1146    960   1491      747 
     465  2831  2138   11880   24451
[4,]     242     441     369     223        72        40    628    374      223 
     111  1796   426     106     133
[5,]     220     204    1427     699      1233       332   1108   1011      474 
     284   499   129      96     196
20587 more rows ...

20587 more elements ...
all other steps went well without any problem except the following one
...... <- rownames(topTags(, n=20592)$table)     #n=20592 is 
the total row number in the analysis

#Always got  problem with this line even I declare the total number of rows in 
full as above.
> d$counts[, ] 
Error: subscript out of bounds

R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8  
 [5] LC_MONETARY=C              LC_MESSAGES=en_CA.UTF-8    LC_PAPER=en_CA.UTF-8 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C             
attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
other attached packages:
[1] ALL_1.4.7      Biobase_2.12.1 limma_3.8.2    edgeR_2.2.5   
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.13.0


My questions are long, but I feel after these two questions get clear, I am 
ready with edgeR.

Thank you!


Yifang Tan

Subject: Re: [Bioc-sig-seq] edgeR common library size question.
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:28:56 +1000

Hi Yifang
I have discussed this issue with Gordon and Mark R---briefly, this is not 
something to worry about. We do not expect the library sizes of the 
pseudocounts necessarily to be approximately equal when TMM normalization (or 
another type of normalization factor) is applied. That comment in the User's 
Guide dates back to the pre-TMM normalization days and is no longer relevant. I 
will update the User's Guide for the next release to remove that confusing 
statement. Sorry for the angst that note in the Guide has caused.
In answer to your specific questions:1) Best way to check that the 
normalization has performed well is to look at MA-plots (plotSmear in edgeR). 
2) It does not matter that the normalized library size of the conditions 
differs from the common.lib.size. 
3) Yes, the results are still meaningful even if the library sizes of the 
pseudocounts are different.
4) I suspect that the differences in library sizes of the pseudocounts are 
caused by the same thing that causes differences in normalization factors: sets 
of genes that are highly expressed in a given sample but not in others. For 
some reassurance, you could look 
at:colSums(d$pseudo.alt)*d$samples$norm.factorsThese values should be quite 
similar (do not worry too much if they differ), which shows the effect of the 
normalization factors on the effective library size. 
5) We routinely remove genes with very low expression levels in our analysis 
and I would recommend it generally. In your experiment you have a minimum group 
size of two, so I would recommend keeping genes that are expressed at a level 
of 0.5 counts per million or greater in at least two samples. This is almost 
exactly what you did in your earlier email. Removing genes with <=40 counts in 
>= 6 samples is probably overdoing it.
Example code (in the next release there will be a convenience function to 
calculate counts per million easily from a DGEList object):cpm <- 1e06*t( 
t(d$counts) / d$samples$lib.size )d <- d[ rowSums( cpm > 0.5 ) >= 2, ]
Mark provided me with a really nice reproducible example (thanks Mark!) that 
illustrates how and why TMM normalization works and also why we do not expect 
the library sizes of the pseudocounts to be equal after normalization factors 
are applied. Try running the code below for yourself:

f <- url("";)

D <- as.matrix(MA.subsetA$M)
g <- as.character(MA.subsetA$genes$EnsemblGeneID)


libSizes <- colSums(D)
foldDiff <- 3
pUp <- .8

xx <- generateDataset(commonTags=2e4, uniqueTags=c(3000,100), 
                     pUp=pUp, pDifferential=pDifferential, empiricalDist=D[,1], 

d <- DGEList(counts=xx$DATA, group=c(1,2))
d1 <- calcNormFactors(d)

plotSmear(d, ylim=c(-5,5))
plotSmear(d1, ylim=c(-5,5))

d <- estimateCommonDisp(d)
d1 <- estimateCommonDisp(d1)
Hope that clarifies a few things for you.
Best wishesDavis
P.S. In general it is good form not to re-post the same question again on the 
list. We receive and read questions on the BioC mailing lists, but sometimes it 
can be a few days before we can make time to respond.

On Jun 22, 2011, at 7:50 AM, yifang tan wrote:
Hi Davis/Gordon:
I posted my question here again hope you can see it. 
When I tried edgeR and met a problem with the number of pseudocounts 
for each library after normalization, which should come to close numbers. This 
have been addressed in edgeR 
several times that "the total counts in each libray of the pseudocounts 
agrees well with the common library size" (page 27 & 44 of the 
user's guide), but my result are quite different between treatments although 
for the replicates within treatment the  pseudocounts are very similar.  I 
can't get to the common.lib.size for each treatment after I tried several 
methods (TMM, RLE and quantile).
1) Did I miss anything during my run with edgeR? How can I assure the 
normalization went well?

2) Does the normalized library size of the conditions matter or NOT, if they 
are different from the common.lib.size?

3) Is the result still meaningful even the library sizes of  pseudocounts are 

4) What could probably be the reason(s) to cause the library sizes of  
pseudocounts so different?

5) Should I remove the smaller number reads as some other people do? 
After I removed the smaller numbers of counts (<=40 in >=6 out of 
14 samples), the normalized library sizes become very similar.

I can feel my lack of mathematics for the packages. I attach part of my code 

#"Zygote1",  21012147
"Zygote2",  19924212 
"Octant1",   9660245    
"Octant2",  26002900 
"Globular2", 7649319   
"Heart1",   16430105  
"Heart2",   20101956   
"Torpedo1", 12920266  
"Torpedo2",  6306742 
"Bent1",    44241095 
"Bent2",    20094409 
"Mature1",  15166090 
"Mature2",  23203758

[1] 16554344.47

# Zygote1  21523774.62
Zygote2    21638415.63
Octant1    14533481.82
Octant2    12046955.46
Globular1  18920316.62
Globular2  18439528.30
Heart1    11754608.30
Heart2    12759230.11
Torpedo1  11248245.52 
Torpedo2  11410667.92 
Bent1     16101723.65
Bent2     17980670.24 
Mature1   26785396.02 
Mature2   27067289.80 

R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8  
 [5] LC_MONETARY=C              LC_MESSAGES=en_CA.UTF-8    LC_PAPER=en_CA.UTF-8 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C             
attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
other attached packages:
[1] ALL_1.4.7      Biobase_2.12.1 limma_3.8.2    edgeR_2.2.5   
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.13.0
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Yifang Tan
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Davis J McCarthy
Research Technician
Bioinformatics Division
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
1G Royal Parade, Parkville, Vic 3052, Australia


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