It sounds like you're trying to use BED as an alternative to BAM? Probably
not a good idea, especially at this scale. Why are you aiming for a
GenomeData? A GappedAlignments might be more appropriate. See
GenomicRanges::readGappedAlignments() for bringing a BAM into a

This page might help:

But it could really be improved.


On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Rene Paradis <
> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am experiencing a problem regarding the load in memory of bed files of
> 30 GB. my function read.table unleash the error : Error in unique(x) :
> length xxxxxx is too large for hashing.
> this is generated by the function MKsetup of the unique.c file. Even by
> increasing by 10 000x the value, the error persists. I believe the
> function pushes more data in ram, but I am not sure this is the good way
> to focus on.
> Ultimately, I would like to produce a GenomeData object from either a
> BAM file or a bed file.
> has someone ever worked with very very big BAM files (about 30 GB)
> thanks
> Rene paradis
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