Hi Martin,

Thanks for flag=scanBamFlag(isValidVendorRead=TRUE). I didn't know it

Regarding parallelisation of I/O, I completely understand the challenge. I
can only add that in my experience with R and big sequencing files, the
bottleneck has been invariably the CPU and not the disk. I work in a 16 core
Intel Xeon X5570 2.93GHz with 144RAM. The disk is accessible through a
gigabit network.

I hope we get to hear some ideas from the community.

Thank you,


Ivan Gregoretti, PhD
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Institutes of Health
5 Memorial Dr, Building 5, Room 205.
Bethesda, MD 20892. USA.
Phone: 1-301-496-1016 and 1-301-496-1592
Fax: 1-301-496-9878

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Martin Morgan <mtmor...@fhcrc.org> wrote:

> On 09/30/2011 07:48 AM, Ivan Gregoretti wrote:
>> Following Janet's example, I would also like to propose an upgrade to
>> ScanBamParam:
>> It would be great if we could tell ScanBamPram that we want to load
>> only the reads that passed the vendor's quality filter.
>> In other words, the functionality I am suggesting is analogous to the
>> filter in readAligned() from the ShortRead library.
> Hi Ivan --
> in principle, flag=scanBamFlag(**isValidVendorRead=TRUE) will do this; it
> requires that the flag is set in the BAM file.
>> With the new release of Illumina sequencing reagents (version 3) you
>> get 200 million reads per lane from the HiSeq 2000. In my view, with
>> samples that big becoming popular, any investment in "read in"
>> efficiency is a good investment. I would be happy to provide a sample
>> BAM for those interested in addressing this suggestion.
>> It is also my humble opinion that we should start considering
>> parallelisation for reading in. I hope that I am not just wishing too
>> much.
> I'm actually revising the I/O a little at the moment; I'll implement a
> better strategy for reading in the data. When I look at 'top' on my system,
> I see the CPU running at say 50% which implies disk input is the bottleneck;
> probably this is on our system administration end, where the large storage
> required for BAM files doesn't have completely adequate performance. This
> I/O is tricky to guage, because the next time through the BAM file input
> _is_ CPU limited and much faster -- the disk system has done some clever
> buffering. But in real use cases I wouldn't see the benefit of that
> buffering since I wouldn't be revisiting the file.
> In terms of parallel throughput it might often be appropriate to
> parallelize at a higher level, e.g., iterating over regions of interest
> (e.g., GRanges defining chromosomes, with the iteration via lapply) and a
> function FUN tasked with input of data in a subset of the GRanges followed
> by processing (e.g., counting overlaps in an RNASeq experiment) that
> typically leads to a large reduction in data size. To parallelize, replace
> lapply with mclapply (currently in the multicore package, but in devel in
>  the 'parallel' package distributed with base R). Use BamFile and
> BamFileList to avoid re-loading the index on each file access. I'm not sure
> that just inputting large amounts of data in parallel and then pasting
> together to operate on as one large object is a real win -- the data is big,
> and the processing is on a single processor (unless it is split again in
> mclapply...).
> I'm open to discussion on this...
> Martin
>> Thank you,
>> Ivan
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