it's know issue, you have to import proper key (which is not mentioned on bird.network.cz; packages are signed by Ondrej Sury's key; he also maintains official Debian package currently).

This should help:
$ apt-key adv --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net
--recv-keys B188E2B695BD4743

See https://www.patreon.com/posts/dpa-new-signing-25451165 for more details.

- Daniel

On 1/12/21 11:37 AM, Luitz Preßler wrote:

trying to do a test install of 2.0.7 on Debian buster (2.0.8 to be
expected? :-), bird2 in buster backports repo?) I tried to use

http://bird.network.cz/debian/apt.key added as proposed,
but signature errors for the repo on "apt-get update"

Err:2 https://bird.network.cz/debian buster InRelease
   The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not 
available: NO_PUBKEY B188E2B695BD4743

Any idea? / Please correct, regards

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