On Friday, February 17th, 2012, this is the HNC Birding Report:

Snow Goose
Redhead x Ring-necked Duck Hybrid
Common Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser Hybrid
King Eider
Ring-necked Pheasant
Ruffed Grouse
Wild Turkey
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Turkey Vulture
Northern Harrier
Thayer's Gull
Iceland Gull
Glaucous Gull
Eastern Screech Owl
Great Horned Owl
Snowy Owl
Short-eared Owl
Long-eared Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Northern Shrike
American Pipit
Chipping Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Brown-headed Cowbird
Purple Finch

It's been a quiet winter week here in the Hamilton Study Area with the
highlight being hybrid ducks. For our hybrid enthusiasts, a Redhead x
Ring-necked Duck was found at Bronte Harbour last weekend.  This is probably
a first for many who follow hybridization of waterfowl.  The bird has been
seen through the week hanging out with a few Redheads.  A Common Goldeneye x
Hooded Merganser hybrid was found on Wednesday at the Beach Canal. 

The hotspot of the week appears to be on the Hamilton mountain just south of
Stoney Creek and Grimsby in the area known as Saltfleet.  On 10th Road East,
a traditional site for Short-eared Owl, this species was seen last weekend
on the HNC field Trip between Ridge and Green Mountain Road at dusk.
Northern Harriers seem to be wintering in force up here with a few being
reported in this area.  Eastern Screech Owls were heard at dusk on 8th Road
east between Ridge and Green Mountain Road. Northern Shrike was seen on Mud
Street between 3rd and 4th Road East (aka Tapleytown Road).  On 1st Road
West a group of forty-seven Wild Turkey were seen north of Green Mountain
and a Ring-necked Pheasant was also seen in the same general area.  An
overwintering White-crowned Sparrow was seen on 10th Road east above Ridge

On the Hamilton Bay this week, a Snow Goose was seen at Pier 8 yesterday
amongst a group of Canada Geese.  The bird was not relocated today.  A
Red-throated Loon was seen flying over Canada Centre for Inland Waters
earlier in the week.  A Common Loon is still wintering off Bayfront Park.
Today an adult Iceland and Glaucous Gull were seen off Princess Point.
Later in the day, an adult Bald Eagle was key for stirring up the gulls off
Princess Point and the bay. An immature male King Eider was seen in a raft
of Scaup at LaSalle Marina on Tuesday.

In the odds and sods this week, Ruffed Grouse are still been seen at dusk on
Westover Road above 8th Concession West in Flamborough.   Thayer's, Iceland
and Glaucous Gull were seen last Monday on Mowhawk Lake in Brantford. A
Turkey Vulture flew over Burloak Drive south of Bronte Creek Provincial
Park.  Another was seen today, near Misener Road east of Brantford.  A
Northern Saw-whet Owl is still present on the west side of Bronte Creek
Provincial Park.  Long-eared Owls were seen in the dog park area of Bronte
Creek as well.  A Great Horned Owl is still being seen and heard at the
Valley Inn with a nesting pair set up in the bridge over Plains Road. Up to
three Snowy Owls were seen in the Bronte area, one south of the QEW on
Burloak Drive (flying) and two Snowy Owls at Bronte Harbour, one on the
docks and one flying in from the east.  One was also seen on the pier on the
weekend, likely one of the two former birds. A Northern Shrike was seen on
Mainway west of Burloak Drive. An American Pipit was photographed at the
Atlas Lines Building in Dundas on the Desjardins Canal.  The Chipping
Sparrow found a couple of weeks ago at the bottom of Valley Inn Road was
reported in the last few days. A Fox Sparrow and Purple Finch were good
finds on the Rail Trail/Bruce Trail east of the Bernie Arbour Stadium
accessed from Wentworth Ave in Hamilton on Thursday. A large group of
approximately Brown-headed Cowbirds were seen on Thursday. They were
roosting in a tree and on hydro wires at the west end of Plains Rd were it
turns into York Blvd.   

This week is the last push for winter birding so any sightings are greatly
appreciated.  Thanks and have a great week.

Cheryl Edgecombe
Hamilton Naturalists Club 


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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