On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 20:30:42 -0500
"Andy Kriger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> just installed blackbox (switching rapidly as a Linux newbie from KDE
> to FVWM to Blackbox). i have some questions about configuring:
> * is it possible to keep a window off of the next/previous window
> list?(e.g. bbkeys shows up on that list, but i never want to switch to
> it, same for some other utils that i run)
If you minimize an app, it will not show on the list. You can also move
it to another desktop. In the sepcific bbkeys case, you should run it
minimised. It can be done in an init script with bbkeys -i &

> * when i run an app from the cmd-line with &, i want it to stay in the
> background (even after it opens). when i run an app from the menu, i
> want it to come to the front. is it possible to fine-tune how windows
> come to the front (maybe even on an app-by-app basis)?

Normally, all apps called with & run in the background. That's not the
same as Showing up in the background (lowered, as we might say). I do
not know how to do that, but I think it could be done by editing the

> * is there a way to call init/exit methods on blackbox? (e.g. to run
> certain scripts before exiting, like the window saving script that i
> saw in the list archives)

Good Luck
Adriano Varoli Piazza

"La irrigación de la tierra con agua desalinizada por fusión nuclear es
algo antiguo. Se conoce como 'Lluvia'"

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