On 08 Dec 2002 22:37:22 +0200
Peter Peltonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, 
> I just switched back to Blackbox. It was nice to be able to install
> itvia apt-rpm from freshrpms.net. I have one problem, though:
> I'm running RH8 at run level 5 (gdm). I've tried to put the
> backgroundsetting display command to .Xclients, .xinitrc and .xsession
> with nosuccess. One of these files should be run after I log in,
> right? Or haveI misunderstooed something important here...?

Welcome to the Blackbox community!
If you are talking about setting a background image, you're totally off
track: you should read the man page (man blackbox) on how styles are
administered. It has a VERY good explanation on that subject and many
others. If, on the other hand, you are talking about how to set up
blackbox from .xinitrc, that's another thing.
.xinitrc, .Xsession and .Xclients are used to set up some of your
preferences when you start your window manager, but they do not set
backgrounds. So if this is your case, you should explain a little more.

> Regards, 
> Peter

Adriano Varoli Piazza

"La irrigación de la tierra con agua desalinizada por fusión nuclear es
algo antiguo. Se conoce como 'Lluvia'"

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