On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 12:30:13AM +0800, Steven Kah Hien Wong wrote:
> Seeing as Brad might be handling the Firefox issues, I thought I would
> give a hand at fixing something else :) (I don't think I would be able
> to solve the Firefox one myself, anyway - for starters, I don't know how
> to find the event Firefox is sending when it tries to popup the history
> thing)
> I found the cause of the problem. Made a patch, which caused another
> problem. :) Take a look at the bug report. I ran out of time tonight, I
> have an exam tomorrow, so I really should be sleeping!
> Link to bug report:
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=912369&group_id=40696&atid=428680

Hello again,

Fixed the bug of the bug-fix. :) Will post the patch tomorrow, after
I've gone over it again with a more conscious mind. In the end, I opted
to only change the bt::FontCache::release method. This fix should work
for both normal and XFT fonts.
 .. .. .. Steven Kah Hien Wong (Glutinous) .. .. .. .. ..
: Mobile: +61 (0) 413 332 005
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