On Thursday 20 January 2005 08:02, Dave Serls wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 11:06:19 +0100
> Bradley T Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dave Serls wrote:
> > > I'm running it now.
> > >
> > > I've only 2 requests, both for menu processing.
> > >
> > > 1: Can the descriptor for the begin statement (only one) cause an
> > > 'ident' string to be optioanlly displayed on the menu? I tend to use
> > > the 'begin' descriptor for that.  Is there a reason that an RCS $id
> > > can't be used (other than a given file must be updated when changing
> > > releases)?
> >
> > I don't quite understand this one... what exactly are you wanting to do?
>    I was looking for an external way of identifying which version of
> blackbox is running.
>    A menu line such as:
>      [begin] (&version)
>    or
>      [begin] (blackbox &version)
>      would display the code version in the main menu title.
>    Thanks again for some stellar software.

I agree, Brad.  =:)  Your work is much appreciated and admired with blackbox 
and Qt!!  =:)

Dave, I think you're talking about something like a "help | about" in other 
applications.  In other words, in other applications, you can click on a help 
menu and choose "about" and it will tell you about the program--what version 
it is, who wrote it, etc.  I think you can pull this off most easily in 
blackbox with the "nop" tag.  

Here's a patch that should apply to blackbox 0.70 and CVS that should give you 
this in the menu...

You'll need to apply it inside the data directory with this command:

patch -p0 < /path/to/bboxversion.patch

You'll then need to go to the root of the blackbox tree and type "automake -i" 
followed by ./configure (or if you've already run ./configure once, just 
run ./config.status).  Then you can make and make install it.

Secondly...  Brad, I'm curious as to why you don't use configure.ac to 
generate your menu file (and man pages) from menu.in.  =:)


| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:22-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
--- Makefile.am.bak	2005-01-20 08:40:31.826259777 -0500
+++ Makefile.am	2005-01-20 08:39:37.732388467 -0500
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ distclean-local:
 menu: menu.in
 	@regex_cmd@ -e "s,@pkgdatadir@,$(pkgdatadir)," @srcdir@/menu.in > menu
+	@regex_cmd@ -e "s,@version@,$(VERSION)," @srcdir@/menu.in > menu
 install-data-local: menu
 	test -f $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/menu || \
--- menu.in.bak	2005-01-20 08:32:12.483451831 -0500
+++ menu.in	2005-01-20 08:39:46.747063057 -0500
@@ -100,6 +100,10 @@
     [restart] (Start KWM)         {kwm}
+  [submenu] (Help...) {About Blackbox}
+    [nop] (This is blackbox version: @version@)
+  [end]
   [exit] (Exit)

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