BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: openssl             1.0.2h                   1.1.0        #8214
chapter 05: LVM2                2.02.164                 2.02.165     #7940
chapter 06: qemu                2.6.1                    2.7.0        #8090
chapter 09: appstream-glib      0.6.2                    0.6.3        #8282
chapter 09: gcab                0.7                      0            
chapter 09: libgsf              1.14.40                  0            
chapter 10: librsvg             2.40.16                  0            
chapter 11: ImageMagick         6.9.5-8                  7.0.3-0      #7859
chapter 12: ModemManager        1.6.0                    1.6.2        #8307
chapter 12: unzip               60                       manual       #7865
chapter 12: zip                 30                       manual       #7865
chapter 13: ruby                2.3.1                    0            
chapter 13: setuptools          26.1.0                   27.2.0       #8198
chapter 14: samba               4.4.5                    4.5.0        #8276
chapter 17: glib-networking     2.48.2                   0            
chapter 17: nghttp              2-1.14.1                 0            
chapter 24: xf86-video-ati      7.7.0                    7.7.1        #8304
chapter 25: gtksourceview       3.20.4                   0            
chapter 26: adwaita-icon-theme  3.20                     0            
chapter 26: gnome-themes-standar3.20.2                   0            
chapter 26: oxygen-icons5       5.25.0                   5.26.0       #8287
chapter 29: extra-cmake-modules 5.25.0                   5.26.0       #8287
chapter 32: kf5                 5.25                     5.26         #8284
chapter 32: kf5-apps            16.08.0                  16.08.1      #8284
chapter 32: plasma5             5.7.3                    5.7.5        #8250
chapter 35: gfbgraph            0.2.3                    0            
chapter 35: gnome-online-account3.20.3                   3.20.4       #8300
chapter 35: gnome-session       3.20.2                   0            
chapter 35: grilo               0.3.1                    0            #8288
chapter 36: gnome-maps                 0            
chapter 36: vino                3.20.2                   0            
chapter 37: exo                 0.10.7                   0.11.1       #8251
chapter 39: kguiaddons          5.25.0                   5.26.0       #8287
chapter 39: kwindowsystem       5.25.0                   5.26.0       #8287
chapter 39: libkscreen          5.7.3                    5.7.5        #8250
chapter 39: libqtxdg            1.3.0                    2.0.0        #8310
chapter 39: libsysstat          0.3.1                    0.3.2        #8309
chapter 39: solid               5.25.0                   5.26.0       #8287
chapter 43: transmission        2.92                     0            
chapter 46: opal                3.10.10                  0            
chapter 46: x264                20160827                 daily        #7555
chapter 50: biblatex-biber      current                  manual       #8290
chapter 50: gutenprint          5.2.11                   0            
chapter 50: texlive             20160523                 pending      

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