On 10/16/2015 11:16 AM, Marius Millea wrote:
> However I'm using VBox
> 4.3.30 and vboxwrapper 26175 so I don't think that's it. I'm attaching my
> vbox.log, there's some errors in there about VT-x but searching
> for ERR_CPU_VM_EXTENSIONS_DISABLED yields nothing.
The vbox.log contains VERR_VMX_MSR_VMXON_DISABLED at the end. Which is
the VirtualBox errorcode to say you have a 64bit Guest but Hardware
Virtualization is not enabled (it says so in the begining of the log
too). This gets picked up by vboxwrapper and
ERR_CPU_VM_EXTENSIONS_DISABLED gets output to stderr.txt in the slot
directory which gets reported back to the server as part of the
sched_request file. The stderr.txt shoud be visible as part of the
failed task once it is reported.

You should change the plan_class vbox64 to include the
<vm_accel_required/> tag. This is the plan_class I use at RNA World:
> <plan_class>
>         <name>vbox64</name>
>         <virtualbox/>
>         <is64bit/>
>         <min_core_client_version>70224</min_core_client_version>
>         <min_vbox_version>40010</min_vbox_version>
>         <vm_accel_required/>
>     </plan_class>
This will not send a 64bit VM to a host that has no Hardware
Virtualization enabled. This should really be the default as VirtualBox
doesn't allow a 64bit guest without the HW Virtualization enabled.

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