I'm working on a script for NMS, and I've encountered a problem. It's likely
just me, but for some reason the '%T' and '%R' format specifiers don't seem
to be working under Win2k, yet the '%H:%M' specifiers work. I've tried both
cygwin perl 5.6.1 and ActivePerl 5.6.1. Here's my test script:

use POSIX qw( strftime );
my $var = time();
print "  >>$var<<\n";
print '%T TIME = >', strftime( '%T', localtime() ), "<\n\n";
print '%H:%M TIME = >', strftime( '%H:%M', localtime() ), "<\n\n";

The %T part of strftime() never prints. I've also tried %R, but that doesn't
print either. However, '%H:%M' works fine.

Any suggestions?
Grant M.

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