Sincerely, some reasons make me really sick of java are:

1. its has too much classes, almost everything is class, whenever I want to "read a file", I have to open my heavy java cookbook to find what class should I inherit from; and see BufferedReader <>, LineNumberReader <>, CharArrayReader <>, InputStreamReader <>, FileReader <>, FilterReader <>, PushbackReader <>, PipedReader <>, StringReader <>, which confuse me a lot. Admittedly, I have never could remember the file opening statement, since the complexity.

2. its class namespace is also horrible.
I remeber once, when I was working with Corba, it's very scary. Something like:

3. Since java has million of classes, java documents usually listed class by class.
When I want to know the usage of a class, I have to read the doc of the class, and maybe its parents, or even its grandparents to aviod misundstanding.

4. I think its "try and catch" statements make code unreadable and create unnecessary fatique to us.
Java classes frequently throw too many exceptions and force us to handle them.
when I open a TCP socket, I have to handle one exception, then while I'm reading the socket, I write the input to a file, I have to handle another exception, and so on.. This make code less readable.

try { //open sock

try { // write file

} catch (Exception xxxx) {
try {
} catch (Exception xxxx) {
// oh god
} catch (Exception xxxx) {


On the whole, I think that Java is an EXCELLENT language with a mediocre
implementation. Perhaps someday Sun will smarten-up and look to the people
who use it to help implement it, like they did with StarOffice (parrot may
very well have a full Java language interface). I'll be very happy to use it
when it does.
Grant M.

$_=`perldoc -U -q "What is a"`;m/"(.*?)"/;print$1

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