On Dec 17, 2003, at 11:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I use perl/Tk, and I have written a LOT of GUI's for
scripts at work.

I installed this on my OS X machine, and got this error when I ran your script:

unknown option "text" at /Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Tk/Widget.pm line 205.
at - line 9

Also, when I ran the test suite on OS X, I got these errors. How significant are they?

t/entry......................NOK 327# Test 327 got: '0 0.724137' (t/entry.t at line 1245)
# Expected: '0 0.827586'
# t/entry.t line 1245 is: skip($skip_font_test, join(" ", map { substr($_, 0, 8) } $e->xview), "0 0.827586");
t/entry......................NOK 329# Test 329 got: '0 0.724137' (t/entry.t at line 1259)
# Expected: '0 0.827586'
# t/entry.t line 1259 is: skip($skip_font_test, join(" ", map { substr($_, 0, 8) } $e->xview), "0 0.827586");
t/entry......................NOK 333# Test 333 got: '0.1875 0.75' (t/entry.t at line 1278)
# Expected: '0.1875 0.8125'
# t/entry.t line 1278 is: ok(join(" ",@scrollInfo),"0.1875 0.8125");
t/entry......................NOK 334# Test 334 got: '0.315789 0.789474' (t/entry.t at line 1284)
# Expected: '0.315789 0.842105'
# t/entry.t line 1284 is: ok(join(" ",map { sprintf "%8f", $_ } @scrollInfo),"0.315789 0.842105");

t/regexp.....................NOK 10# Failed test (t/regexp.t at line 47)
# got: undef
# expected: '4.5'
t/regexp.....................NOK 11# Failed test (t/regexp.t at line 48)
# got: '0'
# expected: '3'

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