On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Wow, well it's good to see we're all on the same page.  Three replies all
> suggesting the same option...... zipped files.  Yeah.... here's the trick.
>  I'm trying to make this process easier for my mother, not myself.  So in
> the end, this is adding another layer...  So, if I don't want to do the
> zipped files idea (which is a kinda snazzy idea btw)  then I have only two
> other options: 1) do the list of sinlge file selections as suggested, or
> 2)use another programming language (javascrip or java I would imagine) to
> connect to the local machine, browse, select the folder, find the files,
> and submit them in the form as hidden fields (somehow).

The newer XForms (http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms/) also don't specify a
way to browse a directory, so I suspect filenames will be the state of
things for a while.  I think it is considered insecure to allow
server-side code to browse an entire directory.

I don't know if it's difficult to hit Ctrl-A in the file selection box
and thus select all the files in the directory - that would be the
easiest solution without subfolders and no zip files would be

You should think about what you're really trying to achieve.  If the
goal is to upload the contents of a folder including subfolders
wherever it may be, that's another thing and zip files are the best
solution.  If the goal is JUST to send images or do other client-side
processing, provide a Perl script that creates the archive and uploads
it to a target server location (optionally, signal the server to
analyze the upload afterwards).  Make the source location static and
your mom will not have to enter command-line arguments but instead she
can just double-click on an executable that will do everything; your
script can empty the source location upon completion.

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