Upon encountering unexpected behavior, the best plan is almost always to
produce a minimal amount of real working code that reproduces the
behavior.  Instead of a "generic breakdown", write some actual code that
we can run and examine and instrument.  Make sure to produce a well-
defined success and failure result such as printing "SUCCESS" and
"FAILURE".  That way the rest of us (and you!) can test the issue

I've found that writing such a test case usually directly exposes an
error in your own code.  If not it at least pinpoints any actual bug in
a module or perl itself.

That being said, and even though this is probably unrelated to your
problem, I do this more often than I'd like to admit:

  %hash = { a => 1, b => 2 };

(should be parens, not braces)

 -- Jeremy

On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 17:10 -0500, Tal Cohen wrote:
> I'm encountering some weird behavior, and wanted to share - maybe someone
> has come across this (or similar) before and has some suggestions.

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